Cangkir yang cantik

Tuesday, 31 July 2007

Sepasang kakek dan nenek pergi belanja di sebuah toko suvenir untuk mencari hadiah buat cucu mereka. Kemudian mata mereka tertuju kepada sebuah cangkir yang cantik. "Lihat cangkir itu," kata si nenek kepada suaminya. "Kau benar, inilah cangkir tercantik yang pernah aku lihat," ujar si kakek.

Saat mereka mendekati cangkir itu, tiba-tiba cangkir yang dimaksud berbicara "Terima kasih untuk perhatiannya, perlu diketahui bahwa aku dulunya tidak cantik. Sebelum menjadi cangkir yang dikagumi, aku hanyalah seonggok tanah liat yang tidak berguna. Namun suatu hari ada seorang pengrajin dengan tangan kotor melempar aku ke sebuah roda berputar. Kemudian ia mulai memutar-mutar aku hingga aku merasa pusing. Stop! Stop! Aku berteriak, Tetapi orang itu berkata "belum!" lalu ia mulai menyodok dan meninjuku berulang-ulang. "Stop! Stop!" teriakku lagi. Tapi orang ini masih saja meninjuku, tanpa menghiraukan teriakanku. Bahkan lebih buruk lagi ia memasukkan aku ke dalam perapian. "Panas! Panas!" Teriakku dengan keras. "Stop! Cukup!" Teriakku lagi. Tapi orang ini berkata "Belum!"

Akhirnya ia mengangkat aku dari perapian itu dan membiarkan aku sampai dingin. Aku pikir, selesailah penderitaanku. Oh ternyata belum. Setelah dingin aku diberikan kepada seorang wanita muda dan dan ia mulai mewarnai aku. Asapnya begitu memualkan. "Stop! Stop!" Aku berteriak.

Wanita itu berkata "Belum!" Lalu ia memberikan aku kepada seorang pria dan ia memasukkan aku lagi ke perapian yang lebih panas dari sebelumnya! "Tolong! Hentikan penyiksaan ini!" Sambil menangis aku berteriak sekuat-kuatnya. Tapi orang ini tidak peduli dengan teriakanku. Ia terus membakarku. Setelah puas "menyiksaku" kini aku dibiarkan dingin.

Setelah benar-benar dingin, seorang wanita cantik mengangkatku dan menempatkan aku dekat kaca. Aku melihat diriku. Aku terkejut sekali. Aku hampir tidak percaya, karena di hadapanku berdiri sebuah cangkir yang begitu cantik. Semua kesakitan dan penderitaanku yang lalu menjadi sirna tatkala kulihat diriku.

Seperti inilah Tuhan membentuk kita. Pada saat Tuhan membentuk kita, tidaklah menyenangkan, sakit, penuh penderitaan, dan banyak air mata. Tetapi inilah satu-satunya cara bagi-Nya untuk mengubah kita supaya menjadi cantik dan memancarkan kemuliaan-Nya.

Anggaplah sebagai suatu kebahagiaan, apabila kamu jatuh ke dalam berbagai pencobaan, sebab anda tahu bahwa ujian terhadap kita menghasilkan ketekunan. Dan biarkanlah ketekunan itu memperoleh buah yang matang supaya anda menjadi sempurna dan utuh dan tak kekurangan suatu apapun. Apabila anda sedang menghadapi ujian hidup, jangan kecil hati, karena Dia sedang membentuk anda. Bentukan-bentukan ini memang menyakitkan tetapi setelah semua proses itu selesai, anda akan melihat betapa cantiknya Tuhan membentuk Anda.


Posted by hAiRiL/spiderman_pink at 00:13 0 comments  

Tak tau?

Monday, 30 July 2007

Tapi nak tau jugak?

Tanya U-Start! :D


Posted by hAiRiL/spiderman_pink at 00:00 3 comments  

Meniti harapan masa depan

Sunday, 29 July 2007

Hidup tidak memerlukan kita tetapi kita memerlukan hidup walaupun hidup itu penuh cabaran. Gunakan akal kerana akal seperti payung terjun tidak akan berfungsi jika tidak dibuka. Untuk tunjukkan pada orang kita kuat, dalaman mesti kuat. Pokok tak akan sihat, kalau akarnya tak kuat.

Kesusahan dalam hidup laksana musim dingin, basah dan lembab tidak disukai manusia dan haiwan. Tetapi sesudah musim sejuk tumbuh pula bunga-bunga yang harum dan buah yang subur. Begitulah! pada setiap musim luruh, diri ini setia mengutip kekuatan dan semangat untuk tabah menghadapi sejuknya musim dingin. Dan bila musim panas tiba, diri ini dapat gagah berdiri merentang angin. Begitulah perumpamaan hidup ini.

Ombak datang kita terima. Ombak pergi, kita relakan juga walaupun dengan hati yang pasrah. Pantai tahu ombak tak pergi sendiri-sendiri, pergi bersama pasir kelautan. Pasir itulah kenangan.

Ibarat memandang bulan, terlupa cahaya pelita di kamar. Seperti mahu berumah tanpa dinding, beratap dengan langit. Seperti mahu menghirup embun dan melupakan air di perigi. Kalaulah sudah takdir hilang mentari di hujung langit, terbayarkah harga sekeping hati yang tidak mahu redha...? Sedangkan ia tetap pergi jua.

Kalau kita terpaksa menderita untuk menahan diri daripada melakukan apa yang Dia tak suka, biarlah kita menderita kerana pengorbanan itu biarpun pahit, tapi janji Allah tetap pasti bahawa akan ada manisnya dalam pengorbanan itu. Kita hanya kan sedar kemanisan itu setelah berjaya melalui detik-detik yang sukar. Kenyataan tidak akan jadi semudah apa yang diinginkan. Disitulah letaknya nilai kehidupan.

Fajar tiba membawa sinar baru buat insan yang menunggu kehadirannya dengan harapan pada sepanjang malam. Titisan embun yang menempel didedaun sesekali kelihatan seperti sebutir permata tanpa kilauan. Apapun yang pastinya apabila jendela dibuka, angin pagi senyaman udara subuh akan menyapa dan membawa khabar rindu seperti selalu.

Kalaulah diri ini seperti embun, agaknya diri ini akan lebur sebelum fajar terbit. Ya Allah kiranya yang aku tanggung penuh luka ini adalah sesuatu yang sia-sia disisiMu, lenyapkanlah, padamkanlah. Namun kiranya rasa kasihku ini adalah dalam redhaMu, mekarkanlah selalu meskipun diri ini harus bertarung antara bahagia dan derita. Mungkin diri ini lebih lemah daripada setitis embun. Tiada kekuatan menghadapi malam yang gelap sepi dan dingin, tiada kekuatan untuk menanti meskipun ada kesetiaan di hati.

Dan perasaan itu sama ada bahagia atau cinta, derita atau kecewa, kalaulah boleh diambil dan dicampak sekehendak hati manusia. Maka pastinya tiadalah yang bernama derita. Tiadalah istilah sengsara. Cinta derita, bahagia dan kecewa itu sesungguhnya ialah anugerah yang mencorakkkan kehidupan insan menjadi seperti pelangi.

Ya Rabb, demi kelembutan cintaMu, aku mohon untuk sujud hanya di bawah limpahan Rahmat dan ampun kasihMu. Tidak aku melihat akan sia-sia Engkau ciptakan jasadku ini. Pun bukan hanya untuk bergembira. Ya Allah, meskipun kerap kali aku rasakan akan betapa tak layaknya diri ini untuk memijak walau sebutir pasir di bumiMu, apalagi untuk meneguk dinginnya air pada kala diri ini kehausan, namun berilah aku kekuatan dan keampunanMu untuk ku kembali berdiri menyuci diri dan hati. Untuk kembali mentaati dan melaksanakan amanahMu yang terpikul di bahuku. Maafkanlah kealpaan dan kelalaian diri ini. Terimalah diri ini untuk kembali kepadaMu.

Hari ini bukanlah semalam, walaupun hari ini bermula dengan terbitnya fajar seperti semalam. Semuanya sebagai suatu ketetapan yang ditakdirkan Tuhan semenjak terciptanya bumi ini sama ada datangnya dengan awan yang cerah atau awan yang berarak mendung. Fajar tetap fajar dan tetap datang. senja semalam juga sama datang dan perginya menghilang di sebalik tabir langit yang memisahkan pandangan manusia dengan segala rahsiaNya.

Seperti kelmarin dan hari-hari yang sudah. Sunnatullah terhadap bumi ini begitulah setiap harinya. Peredaran waktu bermula dari fajar menjadi siang. Siang beransur ke senja. Senja berlabuh hingga malam tiba dan malam pula berlalu sehingga bertemu semula dengan fajar. Tidak kan terhenti putaran itu sehinggalah tiba saat Allah menetapkan bumi ini akan hancur.

Sesuatu yang kita dapat daripada sebuah persahabatan yang berlandaskan sekeping hati yang suci ialah, cuba memurnikan hati dengan menerima kesilapan orang lain sebagai pengajaran untuk kita. Bukan sebagai hukuman.

Serahkan diri untuk agama, kita akan sentiasa mulia di sisi Allah. Berbaik sangkalah kepada Allah meskipun sewaktu kita benar-benar di timpa kesulitan yang menyakitkan, yang membuatkan kita tidak berdaya untuk hidup. Bahawa Dia akan memberikan yang terbaik untuk kita.

Kadang diri ini keletihan di perjalanan ini. Namun kadang-kadang diri ini begitu bersemangat meniti harapan masa depan.

Karya oleh Siti Masliana


Posted by hAiRiL/spiderman_pink at 00:00 5 comments  

Malam Jumaat

Saturday, 28 July 2007

Malam itu malam Jumaat. Kassim ingin beristirahat awal bersama isterinya, dia fikir dia akan dapat banyak ganjaran jika berbuat begini. Ganjaran paling nyata ialah hakikat dia kini sudah mempunyai lapan orang anak: empat daripada mereka masih kecil lagi. Yang bongsu masih lagi menyusu.

"Malam ini kita tidur awal. Malam jumaat" kata Kasim pada Ani, isterinnya yang sedang menyusu anak bongsu mereka.

"Tak boleh bang. Sebab anak anak kita masih belum tidur, nanti saya tidur kan mereka dulu"

"Baiklah awak uruskan mereka. Abang akan ke bilik sebelah membaca Al-quran" balas Kassim, sambil ke bilik air mengambil wudhuk, setelah mendapat kan songkok. Dengan kitab al-Qur'an dan meminum seteguk air sejuk Kassim bersedia untuk memulakan ibadahnya.


"Bang, anak dah tidur" Terkejut Kassim mendengar suara Ani yang membawa khabar baik kepadannya dalam jangka masa yang begitu singkat.


Tu lah dahsyat nya malam Jumaat......


Posted by hAiRiL/spiderman_pink at 00:33 5 comments  

Air Mata Ibu

Friday, 27 July 2007

Ana takkan pernah memahami perasaan seorang ummi. Tak semua perkara yang mampu difahami dengan teori sahaja. Ada perkara yang harus dilalui, kerana tiada perkataan yang dapat menerangkan ia.

Cubalah beritakan pada ana tentang melahirkan anak. Paling dekat pun ana dapat bayangkan jika ada benda besar yang cuba keluar dari hidung. Jadi kelakar lah pula. Oh dan waktu kecil dahulu, ana pernah cuba try masukkan sebiji batu dalam hidung. Bila dah tersumbat, tau pula cari ummi. Ya, sakit, itu ana pasti. Cuma susah nak rasa kesakitan itu, melainkan ana yang rasa sendiri.

Pengorbanan ummi, tak usah lah kata. Masakan ada kata-kata hikmah seperti "seorang ibu mampu menjaga 10 orang anak, tapi 10 orang anak belum mampu menjaga seorang ibu".

Kalau nak dibandingkan anak dahulu dengan anak sekarang, tak adil juga. Anak dulu, kini sudah digelar ummi. Dan dia telah mendidik anak sekarang atas pengalaman dia sendiri sebagai anak dulu. Belum dikira peredaran zaman. Tidak, bukan menyalahkan ummi, tapi bersyukur kerana jikalau kami hidup seperti zaman ummi dulu, dah lama pengsan kot. Faham? Kalau tak faham tak apa. Kan dah kata tak semua perkara yang mampu difahami begitu sahaja.

Ummi mampu senyum, tapi dibalik tabir itu, sungguh. Wallahu'alam.

Tapi, yang paling penting sekali pada ana, ana sangat sayang sekali ummi. Sangat. Cuma ana pun kekok juga menunjukkannya. Cukuplah ummi tahu yang ana selalu mendoakan ummi. Moga dilembutkan hati ini untuk ummi, Ya Allah.

Ana sebagai wakil seluruh anak-anak seantara dunia, ingin mengatakan yang kami sangat sayang dan cintakanmu, wanita yang bergelar ummi.


Siti Nurhaliza - Air Mata Ibu

Apakah sebenarnya
Terbuku di kalbumu
Apakah erti linang air mata di pipimu

Ucapkanlah padaku
Tak bisaku rungkainya
Rahsia yang kau pendam itu

Aku hanya menduga
Tidak mampu merasa
Sebenar-benar perasaanmu

Pengorbanan yang kau lakukan
Untuk dewasakanku
Hanya bisa ditanggung hati ibu

Namun ku percaya
Takkan terlerai kasih
Ikatan ini takkan putus

Telah kau telan lara
Dan terima segala
Dugaan dan badai yang melanda
Duhai ibu

Mungkin kalau dinikahkan anak-anak perempuan dengan cepat dan sendiri jadi ummi, baru mereka akan faham. Mesej dibawakan oleh KKMNHH (Komiti Kempen Mempercepatkan Nikah he he)


Posted by hAiRiL/spiderman_pink at 00:01 4 comments  

Meraih Makna Puasa

Thursday, 26 July 2007

Di antara syahwat besar yang dapat menyesatkan manusia adalah syahwat perut dan kemaluan. Puasa membiasakan jiwa mengendalikan kedua syahwat tersebut.

“Puasa adalah separuh kesabaran” [HR. Tirmidzi & Ibnu Majah, sanad hasan].

Ada tiga tingkatan puasa:

1. Puasa orang awam: menahan perut dan kemaluan dari mengikuti kemauan syahwat.

2. Puasa orang khusus: menahan pendengaran, penglihatan, lisan, tangan, kaki dan semua anggota badan dari berbagai dosa.

3. Puasa orang super khusus : puasa hati dari berbagai keinginan rendah dan pikiran-pikiran yang tidak berharga; juga menahan hati dari selain Allah secara total. Aktifitas duniawi mereka pun diperuntukkan demi bekal akhirat.

Ada enam (6) cara menggapai puasa para shalihin (orang khusus):

a. Menundukkan pandangan dan menahannya dari berkeliaran memandang ke setiap hal yang dicela dan dibenci.

“Pandangan adalah salah satu anak panah yang beracun di antara anak panah Iblis. Barangsiapa meninggalkannya karena takut kepada Allah maka ia telah diberi Allah keimanan yang mendapatkan kelezatan di dalam hatinya.” [HR. al-Hakim -yg men-shahih-kan sanadnya].

b. Puasa lisan: menjaga lisan dari bualan, dusta, ghibah, gunjingan, kekejian, perkataan kasar, pertengkaran dan perdebatan; mengisinya dengan diam, dzikrullah dan tilawah al-Quran.

“Sesungguhnya puasa itu tidak lain adalah perisai; apabila salah seorang di antara kamu sedang berpuasa maka janganlah berkata kotor dan jangan pula bertindak bodoh; dan jika ada seseorang yang menyerangnya atau mencacinya maka hendaklah ia mengatakan sesungguhnya aku berpuasa, sesungguhnya aku berpuasa.” [HR. Bukhari & Muslim].

c. Menahan pendengaran dari mendengarkan setiap hal yang dibenci (makruh) karena setiap yg diharamkan perkataannya diharamkan pula mendengarkannya. Allah SWT menyetarakan orang yang mendengarkan dan yang memakan barang yang haram, “Mereka itu adalah orang-orang yang suka mendengar berita bohong, banyak memakan yang haram.” [Al-Maidah: 42].

d. Menahan berbagai anggota badannya dari berbagai dosa; seperti menahan tangan dan kaki dari hal-hal yang dibenci, menahan perut dari berbagai syubhat pada waktu tidak puasa. Tidak ada artinya berpuasa dari yang halal, tapi berbuka puasa dengan yang haram. Barang yang haram adalah racun yang menghancurkan agama, sedangkan barang yang halal adalah obat yang bermanfaat bila dikonsumsi sedikit tetapi berbahaya bila terlalu banyak.

Apa artinya pula berpuasa dari makanan halal tapi ‘memakan daging manusia’ (berghibah -yang notabene haram) ketika berbuka.

“Berapa banyak orang yang berpuasa tetapi ia tidak mendapatkan dari puasanya itu kecuali lapar dan dahaga.” [HR. Nasa’i & Ibnu Majah].

e. Tidak memperbanyak makanan yang halal pada saat berbuka puasa sampai penuh perutnya. Tujuan puasa ialah pengosongan dan menundukkan nafsu untuk memperkuat jiwa mencapai taqwa. Dan esensi puasa adalah melemahkan berbagai kekuatan yang menjadi sarana syetan untuk kembali kepada keburukan. Semua ini tidak akan tercapai kecuali dengan mengurangi makanan yang biasa dimakan pada di tiap malam ketika tidak berpuasa. Bahkan di antara adabnya adalah mengurangi tidur siang agar merasakan lapar kemudian berusaha agar setiap malam bisa bertahajjud beserta wiridnya sehingga hatinya menjadi jernih, karena bisa jadi syetan tidak mengitari hatinya dan dia bisa melihat berbagai keghaiban langit.

f. Ber-ifthar dengan hati cemas dan harap, mengkhawatirkan ‘nilai’ puasanya. Hendaklah hati dalam keadaan demikian di akhir setiap ibadah yang baru saja dilaksanakan. Sebagian ulama’ berkata: ‘berapa banyak orang yang berpuasa sesungguhnya dia tidak berpuasa dan berapa banyak orang yang tidak berpuasa tetapi sesungguhnya dia berpuasa.

-Diringkas dari “Rahasia Puasa dan Syarat-Syarat Batinnya”, buku Tazkiyatun Nafs susunan Sa’id Hawwa-


Posted by hAiRiL/spiderman_pink at 00:00 4 comments  

Aku tak tahu

Wednesday, 25 July 2007

Ya Allah,

Aku tak tahu apakah aku yang terlalu terburu-buru.

Aku tak tahu apakah aku yang terlalu memperturutkan hawa nafsu

Aku tak tahu

Alangkah indah rasa cinta, jika dikemas dalam nuansa indah, dihiasi dengan taburan wangi bunga syurga, dan diantar untuk menggapai ridhaNya..


Posted by hAiRiL/spiderman_pink at 00:23 2 comments  


Tuesday, 24 July 2007

“Akh, ana begitu risau kalau mereka berjaya keluar dari tanah kita sebelum ana syahid,” Tutur pemuda berusia 25 tahun itu perlahan. Sahabat di hadapannya tersenyum kecil lalu menepuk-nepuk bahu sahabat karibnya diiringi pandangan mata yang bersinar cemerlang.

“Baguslah, kita tak perlu lagi risau lagi akan hal keselamatan ibu kita di rumah, adik-adik perempuan kita, anak-anak kecil yang mungil, juga gadis-gadis solehah.”

“Ahh anta ni! Bekulah darah ana kalau begitu.”
“Berapa usia adikmu?” Tanya pemuda itu tiba-tiba, menukar topik bicara.
“Yang mana satu?” Soal sahabatnya kembali.
“Yang ana nampak minggu lepas,”
“Oh…anta menyimpan harap?”
Pemuda itu tunduk malu diiringi senyum kecil.
“Akan ana khabarkan pada umm ana,”

Saat itu aku terkesima mendengar perbualan itu. AllahuTaala. Aku terduduk. Berakhirkah usia gadisku? Lantas kusemak tubuhku, hatiku, juga penampilanku. Lantas aku bangun memasuki bilik menatap cermin yang separuh pecah di dinding rumahku. Menyesal aku berdiri di balik tabir itu tadi. Allahutaala….

“Akh Mus’ab, sahabat abang minta abang katakan padamu, sekiranya kau sanggup hidup bersamanya selaku isteri seorang mujahid, menempuh kehidupan yang payah dan susah, dan tidak mengharapkan kesenangan apabila hidup bersamanya nanti, terimalah pinangannya. Tapi jika kau tak sanggup, berterus-teranglah menolaknya.”

Suara abang menjalari telingaku. Sangkaanku benar. Aku pilihan hati Akh Mus’ab. Umm di sisiku cuma diam. Aku pandang umm, kemudian aku tundukkan wajahku dihadapan abangku.

“Umm, pemuda itu begitu lemah lembut, sentiasa mencintai masyarakat, sungguh merdu suaranya apabila membaca Al-Quran. Umm, selama Musytaha bersahabat dengannya, tidak pernah dia luntur dalam jihadnya Umm. Sekiranya umm bersolah di belakangnya, nescaya air mata umm berlinangan. Masjid mana yang tidak mengenalnya Umm? Dia pemuda dakwah dan jihad umm. Dia pemimpin kami yang tawadhu' dan zuhud.”

“Adakah kau menerimanya, Ayesha? Bagaimana kata hatimu?” Soal abang kemudian.

Aku tetap tunduk. Begitu memikat gambaran peribadinya. Menikahinya bermaksud aku menikahi perjuangannya yang tak pernah padam. Dia pemuda pinggiran Kota Selfit. Seluruh warga Selfit mengenalinya. Betapa Allah telah memilih pemuda yatim itu untuk memperjuang hak DeenNya.

“Kau akan selalu ditinggalkan,” Kata abang lagi.
“Lekas, katakan sesuatu Ayesha,”

Terusku tunduk. Malu pula rasanya.

Kenduriku begitu ringkas. Aku tersipu malu menatap wajahnya yang jernih. Di dahinya tercaret garis-garis lintasan jihadnya untuk rakyat Palestin. Maha Suci Allah menemukan aku dengan pemuda semulia ini meskipun aku tahu, betapa aku lemah dalam amalku. Meskipun telapak tangannya kasar, namun sentuhannya sangat lembut. Oh Allah, bagaimanakah peribadi Rasulullah? Pastinya tersangat hebat sehingga menawan hati para sahabat mahupun musuh.

Malam pertama bersamanya yang aku lalui menjadi saat terindah dalam hidupku. Dia menemaniku bermula selepas ‘Isya sehinggalah Subuh menjelang. Dia menasihatiku agar patuh kepada suami yang mengajakku kepada Allah serta menghadiahiku nasihat-nasihat untuk menjadi isteri seorang pencinta syahadah. Dia menghuraikan kepadaku tafsiir Surah AL-Asr karangan Syed Qutb yang kau sebut selalu. Aku tahu, detik-detikku bersamanya tak kekal lama, dan dia akan pergi di awal usia perkahwinan ini. Namun aku pasrah, inilah kehidupanku.

Maka bermulalah hidupku yang baru. Abangku sering mendatangiku tatkala dia keluar memenuhi tugas jihad. Abang menemaniku setiap kali aku takut keseorangan di rumah kecil kami. Abang juga datang dengan wajah yang berseri membawa bersama harapan jihadnya.

Dua bulan pertama aku kesunyian yang teramat sangat. Suamiku jarang bersamaku menemani solahku hingga aku berduka dan berteman air mata.

“Zaujati habibati, di rumah ini adalah tempat abang memenuhi tuntutan sunnah Rasulullah yang sangat abang rindui, yakni megahwinimu. Di masjid adalah tempat abang memenuhi hak masyarakat ke atas abang. Di medan lawan, abang perlu memenuhi hak tanah umat Islam ke atas abang. Ayesha, dalam doa abang, tak pernah abang lupa akan namamu agar Allah memelihara hati dan juga jasadmu. Abang sentiasa berdoa agar Ayesha sabar dan redha menerima kehidupan dunia yang menarik Ayesha selalu. Ayesha, kalau bukan kerana cinta, nescaya bukan dirimu yang menghiasi hidup abang.”

Mengalir air mataku mendengar bicara abang. Betapa aku memerlukan bimbinganmu untuk menjadi isteri yang harakiyyah. Betapa kau mencintai jihadmu lantas mengasingkan kita dalam saban waktu. Dari raut wajahmu, terpancar betapa deritanya pengasingangmu dari alam hakiki yang kau nantikan selalu.

Kalau dulu suamiku sering dikenali sebagai seorang ustaz di madrasah , tapi kini lebih daripada itu. Setiap manusia yang mengenalimu akan membicarakan tentang kerendahan hatimu, kesopananmu, kecintaanmu, kasih sayangmu, juga ketinggian akhlaqmu. Kau benar-benar telah membangkitkan jiwa-jiwa yang lesu di kalangan pemuda sekitarmu dengan amal dan bicaramu. Kau bersungguh-sungguh mengobarkan semangat jihad menentang musuh Islam, lantas setiap pemuda yang kau jumpa kau sampaikan fikrah Ikhwanul Muslimin. Takku sangka, selekeh-lekeh pengajianmu yang hanya sehingga sekolah tinggi, kau tidak pernah merasa merendah diri. Malah, kau sasa ke Pejabat IM untuk memenuhi baiatmu. Kau benar-benar mencintai dakwah yang kini sebahagian daripada hidupmu.

Aku tersedar dari duniaku. Aku ialah isteri mujahid dan mujaddid. Kini, walaupun kau jarang berada disisiku, namun setiap detikmu dan detik bersamaku sangat berharga buatku. Abang Mus’ab mendidikku sehingga aku merindui Rasulullah. Malam yang kita lalui kau hiasi dengan tazkirah dan tazkiyyah. Meskipun abang Mus’ab tidak menghiasi tubuhku dengan rantai leher yang panjang, atau gelang tangan yang cantik, atau menyediakan rumah yang sempurna isinya, atau pakaian yang sepadan dengan hijabku, atau membawaku mengunjungi taman dunia yang indah, namun peribadimu cukup membahagiakanku dan masyarakat sekitarmu. Kau bawa aku pergi jauh dari ibuku, namun aku tidak merasa terpinggir kerana kasihmu dilimpahi kasih Ilahi.

Biar masakanku terlampau masin atau terlampau tawar, dia diam sahaja tanpa sepatah kata, malah makan dengan senyuman dan memandang wajahku tanpa aku mengesani apa-apa pun. Biarpun aku terpunahkan hartanya, langsung tidak dimarahiku malah mengatakan, “tiada apa yang kekal di duni ini, isteriku. Abang memaafkanmu,” diiringi senyuman mempesona sanubariku.

Walaupun kau tidak berkesempatan menemani anak di dalam kandungan pertamaku ini, namun ada air mata yang memohon maaf dariku. Bersungguh-sungguh kau memintaku memaafkan serta meredhaimu akibat kesibukanmu selaku pemimpin HAMAS Tebing Barat. Kau sentiasa diburu lawan dan didampingi kawan.

Kau keluar di dhuha hari bersama harapan jihad dan kau pulang bersamanya jua. Keruntuhan kesedaran jihad di kalangan generasi muda Palestin akibat gambaran musuh yang hebat umpama bala setinggi gunung hebat yang mengejar langkahmu. Tidurmu sering diganggu dengan panggilan sahabat-sahabatmu, rehatmu hanya ketemu dalam solah dan munajatmu. Masa lapangmu cuma di dalam bilik bertirai besi bersama sahabat-sahabat yang menyumbang kekuatanmu. Namun, sejarah kehidupanmu menjadi penghibur rinduku. Kau ajarku hakikat pergantungan dengan Allah, kau didik hati wanitaku agar berhibur dengan ayat-ayat Allah, dendanganku adalah selawat ke atas kekasih utamamu, Muhammad Rasulullah. Kau sentiasa memintaku untuk bersedia menghadapi seribu tekanan dan cubaan menjadi isteri jundullah.

“Apakah Ayesha khuatir setiap kali abang keluar berjihad?”
“Ya abang. Ayesha risau seandainya itulah kali terakhir Ayesha mendapat tarbiyyah dari abang,” Kataku perlahan memandang anak matanya. Air mataku mengalir perlahan.

“Ayesha, jihad abang sedikit pun tidak mengurangi usia abang di dunia ini,”. Lantas, abang Mus’ab memelukku erat penuh kasih dan sayang.

“Apalah ertinya hidup abang kalau abang tidak turut berjihad seperti abangmu? Kita dijadikan untuk mati di jalanNya”

Kini anak kita sudah 2 orang, abang. Anak-anak ini begitu baik, sehingga aku senang sekali melakukan kerjaku selaku umi dan isteri. Anak-anak ini selalu abang usap kepala mereka sambil melafazkan hajatnya.

“Waladi, abaa mendoakan agar kau membesar di bawah tarbiyyah ibumu yang akan mendidikmu dengan tarbiyyah imaniyyah hingga kau mengerti jihad itu indah. Maafkan abaa kerana jarang bersamamu. Abaa bukan milikmu waladi, tetapi abaa milik HAMAS dan rakyat Palestin.”

“Ayesha, mari sini sebentar. Tinggalkan kerjamu , kalau berkesempatan, akan abang bantu dengan tulang abang sendiri,” Abang Mus’ab memanggilku lembut. Aku yang sedang mambasuh pakaian di pinggir rumah lekas mendatanginya.
“Ada apa abang?”
“Duduklah isteriku,” Aku duduk bersimpuh di hadapannya. Kandunganku sudah memasuki bulan kelapan. Sarat sekali diriku, tetapi aku tersangat gembira kerana mengandungkan anak seorang insan soleh dan musleh.

“Ya Ummal Muttaqin, adakah selama kita hidup bersama, pernah abang menyinggung hatimu dengan kata-kata atau sikap abang? Berterus-teranglah, usah menyembunyikan silap abang agar abang senang berdepan dengan Allah kelak,”
Terkesimaku untuk beberapa waktu mendengar kalam abang. Lembutnya katamu, indahnya susunan perkataanmu. Abang, aku bersumpah, tiada sekali aku tersentuh denganmu.
“Tiada ya abaa Mu'tasim, semua yang abang tindakkan di hadapan Ayesha dan anak-anak kita adalah gambaran Surah Az-Zariyyat ayat 56, dan tidak aku ciptakan jin dan manusia melainkan untuk mengabdikan diri kepadaKu,”

“Abang minta maaf seandainya selama 4 tahun kita hidup bersama, banyak hak-hakmu selaku isteri yang sangat baik kepada abang gagal abang penuhi. Ayesha isteri yang sangat taat, tidak pernah mencampakkan rasa resah dalam jiwa abang. Jazakillahkhairan Ayesha, semoga dengan pengorbanan ini Allah merahmati Ayesha sehingga kita bisa bertemu di akhirat,” Tuturnya lembut sambil mengusap rambutku. Sentuhannya yang penuh cinta itu sehingga aku berat sekali melepaskannya pergi.

“Ayesha pun tahu betapa abang merindui syahadah, agar abang menemui pemilik hati abang dalam keadaan puas dan bersih. Betapa besarnya ganjaran untuk para syuhada’ dan seandainya abang syahid, abang akan terus hidup di sisiNya. Abang kini resah menahan rindu untuk menemui sahabat abang yang telah mendahului abang, iaitu, abangmu sendiri, As-Syahid Musytaha, dan As-Syahid Adil Haneya. Rindunya abang….”

“Indahnya syurga yang telah Allah gambarkan dalam Quran untuk para syuhada’ dan muslihiin. Salaman-salama, dengan air sungai yang mengalir di bawahnya, betapa indahnya!!”

“Abang tidak pernah lupa pesanan abangmu terhadapku, iaitu sabda Rasulullah yang berbunyi sesungguhnya syurga itu berada di bawah bayang-bayang senjata,”

“Abang, meskipun betapa tinggi rindu abang pada mereka, namun betapa Palestin merindui kemerdekaan dari Zionis Jahanannam. Andai abang syahid, tentunya Ayesha dan anak-anak akan terus merindui didikan dan terguran abang. Ayesha harap abang akan syahid setelah abang telah mengajar Ayesha erti perpisahan yang hakiki,”

Perbualan kita pada malam itu mencampakkan dalam hatiku untuk mengatakan bahawa kita takkan bertemu mata lagi untuk tempoh yang panjang dari saat ini. Aku merasai perubahan pada dirimu. Aku menyaksikan abang menangis dalam solah dan doanya. Aku dengar bicara doamu di tengah malam sepi tahajjudmu. Betapa abang merindui syahadah dan mengharap agar Palestin ketemu perubahan. Yang paling membahagiakanku ialah apabila abang mendoakan kesejahteraan iman dan taqwa untukku!! Abang juga kini menjadi bualan para Zionis. Rumah-rumah diserbu untuk mengesani jasadmu.

“Abang akan syahid setelah tubuh abang dicarik-carik bermandi darah,”

Pagi itu aku dengar sorakan dan laungan pedih rakyat Palestin. Aku didatangi ibu yang bermandi air mata. Ibu memelukku erat bersama anak-anakku. Aku memandang anak ketigaku, usianya baru sebulan setengah. Anakku, kau belumpun mengenal siapa abaamu….. Aku akan kenalkan anak-anakku dengan sejarah suamiku. Lantas, senyummu, sentuhanmu, didikanmu, bicaramu, tawamu, air matamu juga suaramumu menghujani bayangan mataku. Usiaku baru 25 tahun, namun bagiku, tiada sesiapa yang menyamai peribadi As-Syahid suamiku untuk membahagiakanku. Dialah penyuluh ke jalan Allah.

Rakyat Palestin menyaksikan pemergianmu abang setelah detikmu untuk bersamaku kau gadai demi perjuangan ini. Hari ini aku telah kehilangan seorang suami yang setia, ayah yang mahal, ibu yang lembut, rakan sekutu dalam susah dan senangku, juga seorang sahabat yang paling jujur. Namun abang tercintaku, aku belum kehilangan iman yang telah kau suburkan dulu. Setiap detikmu adalah pameran keimananmu yang amat mengaharapkan pertemuan dengan Allah.

Aku ingat janjiku untuk meneruskan didikanmu buat anak-anak kita, Muttaqin, Mu’tasim dan Muslihin. Abang telah berjaya dalam madrasah keluarga dalam mendidik isteri yang manja, dan anak-anak yang masih lemah ini. Kau telah turun ke medan dakwah sebelum kau sendiri bergelut dengan senjata dunia. Biarpun 7 kali disumbat ke dalam penjara, namun tak pernah kau undur walau selangkah. Kau anak yang baik terhadap ibuku, ipar yang bertanggungjawab terhadap adik-adikku, jiran yang bersopan terhadap masyarakat sekelilingmu, sahabat yang tawadhu’ di sisi perjuanganmu, pemimpin yang berkualiti terhadap anak didikmu, dan pejuang yang mukhlis yang memburu syurga Ilahi.

Saat ini aku merinduimu sebagaimana masjid-masjid di Selfit merindui tilawah dan khutbahmu. Aku pun tak menyangka kau begitu berperanan dalam perjuangan HAMAS selaku perancang, pelaksana, pemimpin briged, dan penganggu keamanan Israel. Kini, darah pemuda Palestin telah berkobar untuk menyusuri jejakmu. Indahnya peribadimu sehingga sahabat-sahabatmu juga merasai kehilanganmu.

“Anakku, abaamu telah terkorban demi mengembalikan kegembiraan ummat Islam sedunia. Abaamu mendidik umm sehingga umm mencintai perpisahan ini. Muttaqin, kau perlu menjadi qudwah buat adik-adikmu dan manusia sekitarmu dengan mempamerkan peribadi Rasulullah dalam setiap detik hidupmu. Mu’tasim, kau mesti menghafaz Al-Quran dan memahaminya sebelum usiamu mencapai 11 tahun seperti ayahmu, dan puteraku Muslihin, kau adalah pendidik masyarakat Palestin agar mereka mencintai jihad dan dakwah. Tiba masanya, setiap dari putera-putera umm mesti turun memimpin manusia agar mengagungkan kalimah Lailahaillahllah walau di mana kalian berada, walaupun terpaksa menggadaikan nyawa dan darah kalian. Anak-anakku, kematian itu satu dan pasti, oleh itu biarlah kematian kalian dalam kemuliaan. Saat itu kalian bukan lagi anak umm, tapi sepenuhya hak milik dakwah dan tarbiyyah.”

Kupandang anak-anakku dihadapanku. Setelah 12 tahun pemergian As-syahid umpama semalam baru berlalu. Itu hajatku buat kalian selaku ibu yang juga merindui pertemuan hakiki. Wajah Muttaqin mirip sekali wajah as-syahid, Mu’tasim pula pada mata dan suaranya sahaja, dan Muslihiin pula, seratus-peratus wajah ayahnya, umpama aku melahirkan Mus’ab kedua.

Tetapi kini aku sedikit gelisah, berjayakah aku mendidik mereka sebagaimana Kota Selfit telah berjaya mendidik as-syahid suatu ketika dahulu?


Posted by hAiRiL/spiderman_pink at 00:00 2 comments  

Nikahlah kamu sebelum kamu dinikahkan

Monday, 23 July 2007

"Ketika masih bujang, mereka melakukan pembinaan diri dan menjaga kebaikan itu seorang diri. Dengan menikah, mereka bisa melaksanakan shalat malam berdua, tilawah Al-Quran bersama, menambah hafalan ayat Al-Quran dan hafalan hadits secara bersama. Saling mengingatkan apabila ada kelalaian dalam menunaikan kewajiban. Saling menegur apabila ada perbuatan yang bermakna penyimpangan dari kebenaran. Itulah prosesi tarbiyah yang efektif, suami dan isteri bisa saling menjaga dan menguatkan perbaikan mereka berdua."

- Cahyadi Takariawan


Posted by hAiRiL/spiderman_pink at 00:00 2 comments  

Nikahun Mubarakun Ya Ukht Syikin Wa Akh Junaidi!

Sunday, 22 July 2007

Today you become man and wife,
Fulfilling the Sunnah as way of life.
Today you find serenity,
May your life be filled with sincerity.
There is no happier day of your life,
Than the virtue of being man and wife!
There's joy without any end,
Allah's blessing on this day does descend,

Nikahun mubarakun
Zawajun mubarakun
Nikahu min sunnati
Ma qaalan nabi huwas-saheeh
Nikahun mubarakun

As you walk together hand in hand
Allah has given you a companion and friend
To stand and always be seen
As man and wife fulfilling the deen
From this day and forever be true
Cherish this life that's destined for you
Live your life with kindness and care
Remember Allah will always be there,
Be there!

Nikahun mubarakun
Zawajun mubarakun
Nikahu min sunnati
Ma qaalan nabi huwas-saheeh
Nikahun mubarakun

There is joy there is happiness
In this union let them always be blessed
Allah will bless your home with light
Your heart with never ending delight
Two worlds today have now become one
The road ahead is as bright as the sun
Oh Allah! Keep this marriage so strong
In Your hands does their future belong,

Nikahun mubarakun
Zawajun mubarakun

Nikahu min sunnati
Ma qaalan nabi huwas-saheeh
Nikahun mubarakun

Nikahun mubarakun
Zawajun mubarakun
Nikahu min sunnati
Ma qaalan nabi huwas-saheeh
Nikahun mubarakun

ana nya turn bila nih? sighhhhhhh


Posted by hAiRiL/spiderman_pink at 00:05 0 comments  

Istriku Tidak Seperti yang Ku Dambakan

Saturday, 21 July 2007

Untuk para pemuda yang akan menikah, untuk para suami yang telah mendapatkan pasangan hidupnya. Kisah ini layak dan perlu untuk ditelaah. Mungkin kau telah membayangkan dengan berbagai juta pesona yang akan kau dapati dari calon pendampingmu.Terukir indah dalam mimpimu setiap malam, dan ketika kau terjaga tampaklah senyum merekah dari bibirmu,… betapa tak sabar hatimu ingin meraihnya. Namun, setelah kau bersamanya dan ia ada disisimu begitu dekat dengan dirimu. Matamu, jiwamu dan hatimu selalu bersamanya setiap waktu tiba-tiba kau merasa kecewa, kau temui ia tidak seperti yang kau dambakan, tidak seperti yang kau inginkan. Ibarat menelan pil pahit ingin segera kau muntahkan dari mulutmu tapi rasa pahit itu terlanjur menyerang di kerongkonganmu.Sulit untuk kau hilangkan dari lidahmu. Wahai para suami apa yang ingin kau lakukan??

Jika terbetik dalam hatimu untuk berpisah darinya maka tunggu dulu hingga kau membaca kisah ini, semoga kau bisa mengambil manfaat darinya dan semoga hatimu sedikit luruh melunak karenanya. Inilah kisahnya saudaraku, simaklah dengan baik-baik :

Ibnu Al-Jauzy mengatakan: “Ada satu riwayat yang dinisbahkan kepada Usman ibn Al-Nisabury: Pekerjaan apa yang ditangguhkan untukmu? Dia mengatakan: Saya dalam memberikan kasih sayang, hingga keluargaku berupaya untuk menikahkanku, tapi aku tidak mau. Kemudian seorang wanita datang kepadaku lalu mengatakan: Wahai Abu Usman aku mencintaimu, demi Tuhan! Aku mohon padamu untuk menikahi aku. Kemudian aku menghadirkan bapaknya -orang yang tak punya- dan menikahkannya denganku, dengan demikian dia merasa girang dan gembira.

Ketika wanita itu masuk menghadapku, ternyata matanya buta sebelah, memiliki cacat, tidak cantik. Karena cintanya padaku ia melarangku untuk keluar, lalu aku duduk demi menjaga kegusarannya, dan aku tidak menampakkan kebencian sama sekali, seolah-olah aku menyingkirkan segala ketidak sukaan. Aku lakukan itu selama 15 tahun hingga ia wafat. Aku tidak memiliki apapun dari pekerjaanku kecuali aku menangguhkannya, demi untuk memelihara kegusaran hatinya. (Saidul khatir, 635-636)

Ibnu Qayyim mengatakan : “Dikatakan: Ada seseorang menikahi seorang wanita. Ketika masuk ia mendapati pada anggota tubuhnya cacar. Dia mengatakan: Aku menutupi kedua mataku, lalu aku katakan : Aku buta, setelah 20 tahun wanita itu wafat dan dia tidak mengetahui bahwa aku tidak buta. Kemudian dia ditanya mengapa demikian: Dia menjawab aku tidak ingin pandanganku menyedihkannya karena ada aib yang dimilikinya yaitu cacar” (Madarijus Salikin 2/326)

Kemudian simaklah kisah lainnya berikut ini:

Syaikh Dr. Muhammad ibn Luthfy as-Shabbagh mengatakan: Seorang kawan berbicara padaku bahwa gurunya menyimpan rahasia dengan suatu kenyataan yang terjadi dalam kehidupannya, dia mengatakan: Sesungguhnya aku telah menikahi istriku ini selama 40 tahun. Aku tidak pernah melihat satu halpun yang menggembirakan. Sejak hari pertama mempergaulinya, aku tahu dia cocok denganku dalam suatu hal, tapi dia adalah putri pamanku, dan aku yakin tidak ada seorangpun yang mau menanggungnya, aku tetap bersabar dengan penuh perhitungan. Allah subhanahu wata’ala mengaruniakanku beberapa putra yang baik dan shalih, dan memberiku pertolongan padanya untuk menjauhinya dengan menulis berbagai karangan. Dari karangan-karangan itulah aku berharap sumbangsih dalam ilmu pengetahuan dan sedekah jariyah yang mengalir. Dengan demikian, hubunganku yang kurang baik dengan istriku dapat menciptakan hubungan sosial yang produktif dan membangun. Keadaan ini mungkin tidak akan pernah terwujud seandainya aku menikah lagi dengan wanita lainnya.

Beliau mengatakan lagi: Seorang kawan yang lain mengajak aku ngobrol, dia mengatakan: Sejak hari-hari pertama aku menikah dengan istriku, aku benar-benar tidak punya keinginan dan tidak ada rasa cinta sama sekali, tetapi aku telah berjanji kepada Allah untuk bersabar atas masalah ini, tidak menyakitinya, dan aku rela dengan pemberian-Nya ini. Selama pernikahan ini, aku dianugerahi harta yang banyak, dikaruniai beberapa putra, kedamaian dan ketentraman. (nadzarat fil usrah al-muslimah, 196)

Apa pendapatmu setelah membaca kisah diatas? Segala keputusan ada ditanganmu, wahai para suami. Sungguh aku tidak ingin mencampuri kehidupan rumah tanggamu. Sebagai saudara seiman hanyalah sebuah nasehat yang ingin ku berikan kepadamu, Renungkanlah firman-Nya:

"Dan bergaullah dengan mereka secara patut. Kemudian bila kamu tidak menyukai mereka, (maka bersabarlah) karena mungkin kamu tidak menyukai sesuatu, padahal ALlah menjadikan padanya kebaikan yang banyak" (AN-Nisaa ;19) dan juga hadits berikut ini semoga hatimu terbuka olehnya:

“Janganlah seorang mukmin membenci seorang mukminah. Kalaupun dia tidak menyukai suatu akhlaknya yang buruk, mungkin di sisi lain ada akhlaknya yang dia senangi” (HR. Muslim no.845). Wallahu’alam bish-shawwab.

Sumber Rujukan:

1. Ringkasan Shahih Muslim, Pustaka Amani, Jakarta
2. Kesalahan-kesalahan Suami, (lihat hal:114-116) Muhammad bin Ibrahim Al-Hamd, Pustaka Progresif,Surabaya.


Posted by hAiRiL/spiderman_pink at 00:02 0 comments  

Sohih Bukhari, Volume 3, Book 36, Number 472

Friday, 20 July 2007

Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Umar:

I heard Allah's Apostle saying, "Three men from among those who were before you, set out together till they reached a cave at night and entered it. A big rock rolled down the mountain and closed the mouth of the cave. They said (to each other), Nothing could save you from this rock but to invoke Allah by giving referenda to the righteous deed which you have done (for Allah's sake only).' So, one of them said, 'O Allah! I had old parents and I never provided my family (wife, children etc.) with milk before them. One day, by chance I was delayed, and I came late (at night) while they had slept. I milked the sheep for them and took the milk to them, but I found them sleeping. I disliked to provide my family with the milk before them. I waited for them and the bowl of milk was in my hand and I kept on waiting for them to get up till the day dawned. Then they got up and drank the milk. O Allah! If I did that for Your Sake only, please relieve us from our critical situation caused by this rock.' So, the rock shifted a little but they could not get out."

The Prophet added, "The second man said, 'O Allah! I had a cousin who was the dearest of all people to me and I wanted to have sexual relations with her but she refused. Later she had a hard time in a famine year and she came to me and I gave her one-hundred-and-twenty Dinars on the condition that she would not resist my desire, and she agreed. When I was about to fulfill my desire, she said: It is illegal for you to outrage my chastity except by legitimate marriage. So, I thought it a sin to have sexual intercourse with her and left her though she was the dearest of all the people to me, and also I left the gold I had given her. O Allah! If I did that for Your Sake only, please relieve us from the present calamity.' So, the rock shifted a little more but still they could not get out from there."

The Prophet added, "Then the third man said, 'O Allah! I employed few laborers and I paid them their wages with the exception of one man who did not take his wages and went away. I invested his wages and I got much property thereby. (Then after some time) he came and said to me: O Allah's slave! Pay me my wages. I said to him: All the camels, cows, sheep and slaves you see, are yours. He said: O Allah's slave! Don't mock at me. I said: I am not mocking at you. So, he took all the herd and drove them away and left nothing. O Allah! If I did that for Your Sake only, please relieve us from the present suffering.' So, that rock shifted completely and they got out walking.


Posted by hAiRiL/spiderman_pink at 00:00 0 comments  

Harry Potek - Deathly Hallows

Thursday, 19 July 2007



* Ron dies.
* Lupin dies.
* Percy dies (this death occurs before the wedding, inevitably throwing events into chaos).
* Voldemort dies.
* Snape dies.

Details aren’t needed. Just say BELLATRIX KILLS RON!

Snape’s loyalty? I found this to be the saddest part of the book. As many people guessed, all was not what it seemed with Dumbledore, and the two did indeed have a plan that would eventually result in Snape killing him. But, Snape was only in on things for personal gain, and when Voldemort learns of this, he is obviously furious with Snape. Snape tries to make up for things by luring Harry to him, but Harry manages to escape, and Voldemort kills Snape before the final conflict.

I don’t know what all these rumours are about Voldemort kidnapping Ron, it’s a complete lie. Ron is killed by Bellatrix Lestrange in The Battle of Hogwarts, but Neville manages to finish off Bellatrix after Ron weakens her before his death.

Harry is not a horcrux.

As I’ve already stated, Voldemort kills Snape.

Voldemort is killed in the Department Of Mysteries. He baits Harry about his parents, Sirius, Dumbledore and Ron. which turns out to be the worst thing Voldemort could have done. As Voldemort steps out into the circular bit with many doors, Harry opens the locked door, and Voldemort is destroyed by the blinding light, which heals Harry, who seems close to death (he does not die).

The cover art shows Voldemort + Harry at the Deathly Hallows, Harry is attempting to summon Voldemort’s Horcrux, as Voldemort is doing his best to keep the enchantment in place.

No-one loses a body part, no idea where that came from?

Also Harry does not get drunk whoever said that.

Harry does not lose his powers.

What’s the deal with the dragon on the US deluxe cover?
The trio fly on it to get to the Deathly Hallows. Only Harry and Voldemort can fight on the Deathly Hallows, but this is not their final encounter.

What’s happening on the UK kids cover?
Gringotts. The trio are searching for the locket (it isnt there) but they get vital information on Ravenclaws book here.

How’s the epilogue done?
I didn’t like it. It was in the form of a newspaper article, a sort of ‘Where Are They Now?’ thing, 20 years on from the final showdown.

You said Ron dies so what happens to Hermy at the end?
As said, her love life isnt specified. But she becomes a Healer at St. Mungo’s.

What’s Luna/Hagrid/Weasley twins/Neville’s fate?
Becomes editor of Quibbler (her dad passes it on to her)/Remains at Hogwarts to this day/Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes becomes multinational/Herbology teacher at Hogwarts after Sprout’s death (old age she isnt killed)

What happens to Voldy’s body in the end?
Completely obliterated by the love from locked room.

What are the horcruxes? How does Harry find and destroy them?
Nagini/Locket/Cup/Ravenclaws Book. Symbol on UK spine is a device that enables Harry to locate ‘soul fragments’ if you will, Harry can destroy them a lot more easily than Dumbledore.

What’s the deal with the mirror? How does RAB and Kreacher come into the story?
Sirius has left an almost ‘voicemail’ message on the mirror, to advise him on destroying the horcrux. Kreacher has to tell the trio (on Harry’s orders) about the history of the symbol and where to find it.

What’s the lies of Dumbledore chapter about?
Neon was right about this, this is to do with the plan with Snape. I don’t know if he got lucky because the Grindelwald thing isnt even close.

What happens to all the teachers? Who’s new headmaster etc?
McGonagall is new headmistress.

What’s Harry’s fate in the end? Job etc?
Becomes an almost freelance Auror but refuses to work for the MoM

Chapter summaries
Dark Lord Ascending

* another first chapter that is not Harry’s point of view
* very dark
* first death
* Bellatrix and Voldemort interact

In Memoriam

* back to Harry’s point of view
* Dumbledore’s past
* Rita Skeeter appears here. Apparently, Harry is not pleased.

The Dursleys Departing

* The Dursley’s leave Privet Drive

The Seven Potters

* Harry, Ron, and Hermione are reunited
* Death Eater attack
* another death
* very intense

Fallen Warrior

* another death
* one person loses a body part
* scenes afterwards set in the Burrow
* Apparently, Harry gets drunk!
* tells what happened with Ollivander

The Ghoul in Pajamas

* general plan discussion all around
* Hermione is scary (lol)

The Will of Albus Dumbledore

* Harry’s birthday! Ron gives him a funny gift.
* Minister of Magic is back
* Lupin is acting off

The Wedding

* Weasley relatives, Luna’s father, and Krum all make ppearances
* Krum argues with Luna’s father over the symbol
* Dumbledore’s past again, which is not pleasant
* Kingsley makes an appearance with some bad news.

A Place to Hide

* Harry, Ron, and Hermione leave the Burrow, and run into Death Eaters
* Hermione gets hit on by drunkards
* They go to Grimmauld Place

Kreacher’s Tale

* Harry finds a letter from his mother saying disturbing things about Dumbledore
* R.A.B. is Sirius’s brother (everyone knew that, lol)
* lots of complex stuff on Horcruxes

The Bribe

* setting is Grimmauld Place
* Harry has sent Kreacher on an errand
* Kreacher seems to be getting friendlier
* Lupin is still acting off, and states something extremely surprising (off in an easily irritated, jumpy way. We’ve also been told that Lupin/Tonks shippers will be over the moon, so, perhaps Tonks is pregnant?)
* Trio find out who has the locket, and they are shocked.

Magic is Might

* Trio plan to get the locket from the ministry

The Muggle-born Registration Commission

* Umbridge
* persecution

The Thief

* Trio leave Grimmauld Place and Kreacher
* Trio stays in the woods.
* Harry sees through mind-link that Voldemort is not in the country, and is looking for a stolen object that has something to do with wands.

The Goblin’s Revenge

* Ron does something weird.

Godric’s Hollow
Bathilda’s Secret

* Someone named Bathilda wrote the History of Magic book. IDK if this has anything to do with anything, but still, might be worth noting.

The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore
The Silver Doe

* Hermione is sleeping. Harry sees a Patronus and follows it. It leads him to a thing Dumbledore has left him. He is reunited with Ron. The entire scene with the destruction of the Horcrux and display of Ron’s insecurities happens.

Xenophilius Lovegood

* The Tale of the Three Brothers
* “The Tale of Three Brothers” is a wizard children’s story. The story involves three objects called the Deathly Hallows. Three brothers, three objects, AKA the Deathly Hallows.
* Trio goes to see Luna’s dad
* He tells them a wizarding fairy story about three objects
* They are called the Deathly Hallow

The Deathly Hallows

* Harry follows lead of DH story instead of Horcrux stuff
* He becomes stupidly obsessed over it, kind of like how he was over Malfoy in HBP
* Makes a huge mistake and gets the trio “captured”

Malfoy Manor

* A couple of people have died, one important
* Someone else is being kept in the manor
* Someone else dies
* The trio is tortured for info
* Dobby helps them escape
* Another someone else dies

The Wandmaker
Shell Cottage
The Final Hiding Place
The Missing Mirror
The Lost Diadem
The Sacking of Severus Snape
The Battle of Hogwarts
The Elder Wand
The Prince’s Tale
The Forest Again
King’s Cross
The Flaw in the Plan


Posted by hAiRiL/spiderman_pink at 00:00 3 comments  

Salman Rushdie - The Satanic Verses

Wednesday, 18 July 2007

"The book that is worth killing people and burning flags for is not the book that I wrote," Salmon Rushdie, 41-year-old author of The Satanic Verses, told Time Magazine. shortly after its publication in 1988.

Rushdie's book caused deep rumblings among faithful Muslims offended by its content, prompting protests and book burnings and even riots in which several people were killed.

The furor reached new heights when Iran's Ayatollah Khomeini joined in, proclaiming the book a work of blasphemy and condemning Rushdie to death for "insulting Islam, the prophet Muhammed and the holy Koran."

Eager followers put a bounty on Rushdie's head, adding riches to what Khomeini had already guaranteed as a place in heaven for the successful assassin.

Aftershocks spread around the world as the issue became a more fundamental one -- that of the vast cultural differences between the East and West concerning morality and basic freedom.

Tremors were even felt in America's shopping malls as at least three major bookstore chains temporarily removed the books from their shelves in the interest of employee safety in the face of several threats.

As Rushdie saw it, his book "isn't actually about Islam but about migration, metamorphosis, divided selves, love, death, London and Bombay," he told Time.

The sad irony, he said, "is that after working for five years to give voice and fictional flesh to the immigrant culture of which I myself am a member, I should see my book burned, largely unread, by the people it's about -- people who might find some pleasure and much recognition in its pages."

Rushdie, born in India to Muslim parents, was reared in Bombay and educated in England. He also lived awhile in Pakistan before he became a British subject.

He no longer considers himself a Muslim, which makes the book all the more insulting to the members of the faith. He has been reviled by them as an "apostate," one who knows the truth and turns away from it. The traditional Muslim punishment for this is death.

"How fragile civilization is," Rushie reportedly wrote after Muslims in Britain set fire to his novel. "How easily, how merrily a book burns!"


Posted by hAiRiL/spiderman_pink at 00:00 2 comments  

Tersurat & Tersirat

Tuesday, 17 July 2007

Hal yang sangat menyedihkan adalah saat kau jujur pada temanmu, dia berdusta padamu. Saat dia telah berjanji padamu, dia mengingkarinya. Saat kau memberikan perhatian, dia tidak menghargainya.

Hal yang sangat menyakitkan adalah saat kau mengirimkan e-mail pada temanmu, dia menghapus tanpa membacanya. Saat kau membutuhkan jawaban dari e-mailmu, dia tidak menjawab dan mengacuhkannya.

Saat bertemu dengannya dan ingin menyapa, dia pura-pura tidak melihatmu. Saat kau mencintainya dengan tulus tapi dia tidak mencintamu. Saat dia yang kau sayangi tiba-tiba mengirimkan kartu undangan pernikahannya.

Hal yang sangat mengecewakan adalah kau dibutuhkan hanya pada saat dia dalam kesulitan. Saat kau bersikap ramah, dia terkadang bersikap sinis padamu. Saat kau butuh dia untuk berbagi cerita, dia berusaha untuk menghindarimu.

Jangan pernah menyesali atas apa yang terjadi padamu! Sebenarnya hal-hal yang kau alami sedang mengajarimu!

Saat temanmu berdusta padamu atau tidak menepati janjinya padamu atau dia tidak menghargai perhatian yang kau berikan, sebenarnya dia telah mengajarimu agar kau tidak berperilaku seperti dia.

Saat temanmu menghapus e-mail yang kau kirim sebelum membacanya atau saat bertemu dengannya dan ingin menyapa, dia pura-pura tidak melihatmu, sebenarnya dia telah mengajarkanmu agar tidak berprasangka buruk & selalu berpikiran positif bahwa mungkin saja dia pernah membaca e-mail yang kau kirim, atau mungkin saja dia tidak melihatmu.

Dan saat dia tidak menjawab e-mailmu, sebenarnya dia telah mengajarkanmu untuk menjawab e-mail temanmu yang membutuhkan jawaban walaupun kau sedang sibuk dan jika kau tidak bisa menjawabnya katakan kalau kau belum bisa menjawabnya jangan biarkan e-mailnya tanpa jawaban karena mungkin dia sedang menunggu jawabanmu.

Saat kau mencintainya dengan tulus tapi dia tidak mencintaimu atau dia yang kau sayangi tiba-tiba mengirimkan kartu undangan pernikahannya, sebenarnya sedang mengajarimu untuk ridha menerima takdirNya.

Saat kau bersikap ramah tapi dia terkadang bersikap sinis padamu, sebenarnya dia sedang mengajarimu untuk selalu bersikap ramah pada siapapun.

Saat kau butuh dia untuk berbagi cerita, dia berusaha untuk menghindarimu, sebenarnya dia sedang mengajarimu untuk menjadi seorang teman yang bisa diajak berbagi cerita, mau mendengarkan keluhan temanmu dan membantunya.

Bila kau dibutuhkan hanya pada saat dia sedang dalam kesulitan, sebenarnya juga telah mengajarimu untuk menjadi orang yang arif & santun, kau telah membantunya saat dia dalam kesulitan.

Begitu banyak hal yang tidak menyenangkan yang sering kau alami atau bertemu dengan orang-orang yang menjengkelkan, egois dan sikap yang tidak mengenakkan.

Dan betapa tidak menyenangkan menjadi orang yang dikecewakan, disakiti, tidak dipedulikan, tidak dihargai, atau bahkan mungkin dicaci dan dihina, Sebenarnya orang-orang tersebut sedang mengajarimu untuk melatih membersihkan hati & jiwa, melatih untuk menjadi orang yang sabar dan mengajarimu untuk tidak berprilaku seperti itu.

Mungkin Tuhan menginginkan kau bertemu orang dengan berbagai macam karakter yang tidak menyenangkan sebelum kau bertemu dengan orang yang menyenangkan dalam kehidupanmu dan kau harus mengerti bagaimana berterima kasih atas karunia itu yang telah mengajarkan sesuatu yang paling berharga dalam hidupmu...


Posted by hAiRiL/spiderman_pink at 00:00 0 comments  

Umat Islam Mengikuti Langkah-Langkah Yahudi Dan Nasrani

Monday, 16 July 2007

Daripada Abu Sa’id Al-Khudri ra. berkata, Bahawasanya Rasulullah saw. bersabda, "Kamu akan mengikuti jejak langkah umat-umat sebelum kamu, sejengkal demi sejengkal, sehasta demi sehasta, sehingga jikalau mereka masuk ke lubang biawak pun kamu akan mengikuti mereka." Sahabat bertanya, "Ya Rasulullah! Apakah Yahudi dan Nashrani yang kau maksudkan?" Nabi saw. menjawab, "Siapa lagi kalau bukan mereka".

H.R. Muslim

Umat Islam akan mengikut jejak langkah ataupun "carahidup" orang-orang Yahudi dan Nashrani, hinggalah dalam urusan yang kecil dan perkara-perkara yang tidak menasabah. Contohnya, jikalau orang Yahudi dan Nashrani masuk ke lubang biawak yang kotor dan sempit sekali pun, orang Islam akan terus mengikuti mereka.

Zaman sekarang ini kita dapat melihat kenyataan sabdaan Rasulullah saw. ini. Ramai orang Islam yang kehilangan pegangan di dalam kehidupan. Mereka banyak meniru "carahidup" Yahudi dan Nashrani samada mereka sedar atau tidak. Ramai orang Islam yang telah terperangkap dengan tipu helah Yahudi dan Nashrani dan ramai pula orang yang menjadi alat dan tali barut mereka.

Ya Allah! Selamatkanlah kami daripada mereka.


Posted by hAiRiL/spiderman_pink at 00:00 0 comments  

Si Yahudi Itupun Masuk Islam

Sunday, 15 July 2007

Ia adalah seorang Yahudi ketika Allah memberinya hidayah menjadi seorang muslim ia berubah menjadi orang yang tawadhu (merendahkan diri) dan sangat giat beribadah. Keislamannya begitu baik dan mendalam. Apakah rahasianya mengapa ia masuk islam?

Berkata Ashim bin Muhammad dalam kitab Lawami Anwar Qulub, “Pernah aku memiliki seorang pekerja yang beragama Yahudi, lalu aku melihatnya di kota Mekkah dalam keadaan merendahkan diri dan giat beribadah. Aku takjub dengan pengamalannya yang demikian baik terhadap ajaran Islam, maka aku tanyakan sebab yang membuatnya masuk Islam.”

Ia berkata, “Aku mendatangi Abu Ishaq al-Najuni An-Naisabud, saat itu ia sedang menyalakan api. Kedatanganku ingin menagih uangku yang ada padanya. Ia berkata padaku, “Masuklah islam, dan takutlah terhadap api yang bahan bakarnya adalah manusia dan batu”. Aku berkata, ”Tidak ada masalah wahai Abu Ishaq, karena engkau juga akan berada di dalamnya”, Ia berkata, “Barangkali yang kau maksud firman Allah Subhanahu Wata’ala, “Dan tidak seorangpun diantara kamu kecuali akan memasukinya” (QS. Maryam ayat 71) Aku berkata : Benar..

Kemudian ia meminta bajuku, dan aku menuruti permintaannya. Lalu bajuku beliau bungkus dengan bajunya, setelah itu ia lemparkan ke dalam api. Di tunggunya hingga beberapa saat lamanya. Kemudia ia berdiri sambil merintih dan menangis, lalu masuk ke dalam api yang bergejolak. Ia mengambil bajuku di tengah perapian kemudian keluar dari lingkaran api. Perbuatannya itu membuatku takut hingga aku cepat-cepat menghampirinya, kulihat bajunya tidak berubah sedikitpun (baju beliau tidak terbakar/termakan api). Lalu ia membuka bungkusan bajunya, ternyata bajuku telah hangus menjadi arang (terbakar habis) di tengah bajunya sementara baju beliau tak di sentuh oleh api sedikitpun.

Kemudian beliau berkata, “Beginilah makna firman Allah Subhanahu Wata’ala, “Dan tidak seorangpun di antara kamu kecuali akan memasukinya (neraka), sesungguhnya hal itu di hadirat Tuhan-Mu adalah ketetapan yang tidak dapat di ubah” (Qs. Maryam : 71) Aku pun langsung masuk islam di hadapannya”.

Sumber: Lautan Air mata, Ibnul Jauzy, Pustaka Azzam, Jakarta.


Posted by hAiRiL/spiderman_pink at 00:00 0 comments  

Aku adalah aku, selagi aku masih aku

Saturday, 14 July 2007

Aku katakan

Aku tak pandai berpuisi

Namun harap metah

Aku yang sadur noda

Berlabuh selalu di indah dakapan MahgfirahMu

Ya Allah

Aku ingin satu hati

Yang selalu sejernih jeli

Yang selalu setenang kali..

Aku ingin bundar mata

Yang selalu alir mutiara

Karaman sesal dosa

Aku ingin satu nyawa

Yang selalu gundah bila putusnya ia

Aku memohon doa

Aku memanjat harap

Izinkan aku ya Allah

Biar tunak segalanya

Menjadi satu

Di dalam himpunan doa

Meski segala meminta

ya Rahman

ya Rahim

Oh ya Allah

Aku takut padaMu

Aku berharap padaMu

Aku juga ingin benar menyintaiMu


Ingin aku selalu-selalu begini

Perkenankan ya Allah


Posted by hAiRiL/spiderman_pink at 12:38 0 comments  

Kisah Seorang Panglima

Friday, 13 July 2007

Tahun 1441 - Sebelum memulakan perjalanan menuju ke medan perang, seorang panglima menemui rakan yang cukup dipercayainya.

PANGLIMA: Simpan anak kunci ini! Jika aku tak kembali, kau bukakanlah cawat besi isteri ku. Aku izinkan dia berkahwin dengan sesiapa yang disukainya.

RAKAN: Baiklah sahabatku.

Menjelang petang, ketika panglima bersama tenteranya berehat di sebuah lembah, kelihatan di kejauhan seorang lelaki menunggang kuda cukup pantas menuju ke arah kumpulan tentera itu. Setelah hampir, barulah panglima mengenalinya; dia ialah rakan yang cukup dipercayainya itu.

RAKAN: Maaf.. Panglima bagi kunci yg salah!!


Posted by hAiRiL/spiderman_pink at 00:38 0 comments  

Berfikir dalam zikir

Thursday, 12 July 2007


BERFIKIR adalah suatu fitrah. Allah memberi manusia akal membolehkan manusia berfikir. Allah mengurniakan manusia pancaindera membolehkan manusia memandang, memerhati, melihat, menyaksikan, mendengar, menghidu, merasa dan menyentuh supaya darinya manusia memperolehi maklumat, pengalaman dan juga tanggapan.

Darinya manusia berusaha untuk melakukan kajian dan penelitian supaya manusia dapat memahami apa yang ada di sekitarnya dan apa yang diperlukan dalam hidup ini.

Alam ini Allah jadikan seluas-luasnya untuk mengajak manusia berfikir dan mengetahui kebesaran-Nya. Planet bumi di mana manusia hidup dilimpahkan rahmat dan nikmat yang amat banyak. Setiap kejadian yang Allah ciptakan terkandung hikmah yang amat luar biasa sifatnya.

Apa yang mampu dikaji dan diteliti dan dinikmati oleh manusia masih sedikit. Bayangkan alam yang terlalu luas dengan rahsia yang belum diteroka oleh manusia tentunya mengandungi hikmah yang amat menakjubkan. Allah memberikan kita al-Quran supaya manusia mendapat pertunjuk dan pedoman bagaimana memahami benda yang nyata dan benda yang ghaib, bagaimana manusia dapat berfikir tentang sesuatu di sekitarnya dan menghubungkannya dengan Pencipta. Inilah asas berfikir dalam zikir bagi orang-orang yang beriman.

Para remaja amat perlu membina tradisi berfikir dalam zikir supaya asas berfikir yang sebenar dapat dirasai dan dinikmati. Berfikir secara akliah semata-mata selalunya tersisih dengan hikmah mengenai sesuatu. Ia hanya menghubungkan pemikiran dengan asas yang rasional dan logik pada pertimbangan akal semata. Sesuatu yang di luar batas akal dianggap tidak rasional dan tidak logik dan ia ditolak.

Keyakinan remaja kepada kuasa Pencipta sudah tentu tidak sama dengan keupayaan manusia dengan akal dan pancaindera yang terbatas. Sekiranya akal manusia dan kemampuan berfikir adalah segala-gala sudah tentu manusia berupaya menyelesaikan banyak masalah kehidupan yang kelihatan semakin parah dan membimbangkan.

Apa daya manusia menyelesaikan pelbagai jenis penyakit yang datang silih berganti kalau hanya bergantung dengan akal semata-mata. Apa daya manusia mengatasi masalah kerosakan akhlak kalau hanya bergantung dengan pertimbangan akal semata. Dan apakah daya manusia mengatasi musibah banjir, gempa bumi, ribut dan taufan kalau hanya berpandu dengan kajian dan penelitian sahaja.

Para remaja yang menggunakan pendekatan berfikir dalam zikir tentunya mengetahui bahawa tidak semua yang terdapat dalam alam ini diketahui manusia dan tidak semua yang berlaku dalam alam ini di bawah kudrat dan kawalan manusia.

Mengajak remaja berfikir dalam zikir bermakna menghubungkan alam ini dengan Pencipta dan menghubungkan kejadian dan peristiwa dengan kuasa Pencipta.

Berfikir dalam zikir bagi remaja bermakna bagaimana remaja sejak awal umur lagi didedahkan dengan jalan berfikir yang mengingati kebesaran Allah. Memahami faktor ghaibiyyat dalam hidup remaja harus dihubungkan dengan tanda-tanda kebesaran Allah yang terdapat di mana-mana di muka bumi apalagi di angkasa.

Al- Quran memberi remaja pedoman dan panduan bagaimana memahami kebesaran Allah dengan menyaksikan tanda-tandanya. Kejadian siang dan malam, hujan dan panas yang berlaku silih-berganti, kehidupan manusia dan faktor alamiah yang berpasang-pasang, diturunkan hujan menghidupkan pohon-pohon dan haiwan adalah tanda-tanda kebesaran-Nya bagi remaja yang berfikir.

Manusia tidak mampu menguruskan perjalanan kejadian tersebut malah menerima saja apa yang berlaku dengan urus tadbir yang terbatas.

* Zikir

Berfikir dalam zikir membimbing remaja untuk memahami bahawa seluruh kejadian alam ini adalah di bawah urus tadbir Allah s.w.t. Manusia yang diberi amanah sebagai khalifah perlu melakukan urus tadbir mengikut pedoman yang Allah telah berikan menerusi kalam-Nya al-Quran supaya ia menjadi pertunjuk bagi manusia. Mengingkari akan menyebabkan kerosakan kepada kehidupan dan muka bumi ini.

Berfikir dalam zikir bagi remaja mampu mendekatkan remaja kepada kebesaran Allah. Berzikir dalam erti kata yang luas bermaksud mengingati dan mengakui kebesaran dan keagungan Allah.

Bila remaja melafazkan kalimah zikir Subahanallah atau Allahu Akbar, ia tidak hanya terpancar dengan kalimah dan dibenarkan atau ditasdikkan dalam hati semata tetapi lafaz kalimah itu memberi dorongan ilmu mengenai rahsia kebesaran Allah dalam alam ini yang perlu dikaji oleh remaja supaya manfaatnya dapat dirasai oleh manusia.

Sains dalam tradisi Barat mengkaji sesuatu benda seadanya dan mengkaji sesuatu fenomena seadanya. Dalam tradisi berfikir dan zikir mengkaji sesuatu benda tidak saja dikaji seadanya tetapi dikaji hikmah di sebalik kejadiannya. Apalagi bila mengkaji fenomena sesuatu kejadian ia tidak hanya dikaji mengenai kejadian itu tetapi berfikir dalam zikir memberikan pedoman, hikmah dan iktibar di sebalik sesuatu kejadian supaya manusia mendapat pengajaran dan pertunjuk dari sesuatu benda dan kejadian.

Mengapa manusia dilahirkan ke dunia kemudian dimatikan, mengapa manusia yang sihat kemudian jatuh sakit, mengapa manusia yang zaman mudanya cerdik dan sampai terlalu tua hilang ingatan, mengapa manusia suatu ketika kaya kemudian tiba-tiba jatuh miskin, mengapa suatu ketika manusia berada di tempat yang amat berkuasa kemudian jatuh sebagai manusia yang hina.

Mengapa manusia di suatu zaman membina tamadun yang hebat tetapi kini menjadi penciplak kepada tamadun orang lain, adalah gambaran fenomena kejadian manusia sejak dari dahulu sehingga kini.

Memahami fenomena ini dalam dalam fikir dan zikir memberikan remaja iktibar tentang kejadian dan kuasa Allah yang seharusnya manusia mengambil iktibar darinya.

* Penyakit

Hal yang sama juga berlaku terhadap pelbagai jenis penyakit yang sedang menghinggapi manusia kini, keadaan cuaca yang tidak menentu, lapisan ozon yang semakin menipis, sungai-sungai yang tercemar, udara yang semakin kotor adalah gambaran tentang ketidakseimbangan yang berlaku dan sebahagiannya adalah akibat perbuatan tangan-tangan manusia.

Berfikir dalam zikir bagi remaja membawa remaja ke arah dorongan mengkaji dan menyelidik tidak saja dalam batas benda yang nyata tetapi harus memiliki pedoman dari Pencipta tentang pedoman-pedoman mengurus yang betul supaya wujud pemahaman yang seimbang bahawa sesuatu itu adalah kejadian dan milik Allah.

Manusia diberi amanah untuk mengurusnya dengan baik dan betul. Darinya lahir sifat amanah yang tinggi dan terjadinya sesuatu ia ada hikmah yang membimbing manusia berfikir tentang upayanya yang terbatas dan upaya Allah yang tidak terbatas.

Berfikir dalam zikir meningkatkan keyakinan dan keimanan remaja tentang kekuasaan dan kebesaran Allah kerana tidak ada sesuatu yang terjadi dan diciptakan di alam ini tanpa kuasa-Nya.

Ilmu yang ada pada remaja hanya sedikit dan kalau yang sedikit itu remaja tidak bersyukur dengan-Nya malah sesetengah remaja sombong dan takbur terhadap-Nya, ia menyebabkan remaja akan kehilangan pedoman ilmu dan hikmah dan akhirnya remaja akan merasakan ia adalah segala-gala dan ia bakal menjerumuskan remaja ke arah kerosakan dan kebinasaan peribadi dan pemikiran.

PROF. DR. SIDEK BABA ialah pensyarah Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia (UIAM).


Posted by hAiRiL/spiderman_pink at 00:16 0 comments  

Mesut Kurtis - Salawat

Wednesday, 11 July 2007

Mesut Kurtis was born in July 1981 in the Macedonian capital of Skopje. He comes from a scholarly and religious family of Turkish origin. He came to the UK at a young age to pursue his studies.

Mesut showed a strong interest in Islamic nasheeds from a very young age. His beautiful, powerful, and passionate voice was noticed very early on, leading him to join several nasheed groups in Macedonia that performed locally, and also made several international visits including performances in Turkey and neighbouring places.

Mesut is also a gifted multi-linguist, being fluent in five languages, and this is wonderfully portrayed in his first nasheed album. Mesut graduated from the European Institute of Human Sciences, Wales, UK in Shari'ah Studies.

Salawat is a compilation of nasheeds in praise of Allah and His final Prophet Muhammad (s) by Mesut Kurtis. It was produced by the international nasheed artist and composer Sami Yusuf and a special track also features him. This album also contains the famous Burdah of Imam Al-Busairi.

Preview Here!


Posted by hAiRiL/spiderman_pink at 13:50 0 comments  


Tuesday, 10 July 2007


My beloved Brothers and Sisters in Islam!
May you guys be at peace at all times! N a step closer to Him with every breath that you take. InsyaALLAH!

Btw, guess what?
You are INVITED to this week's URL. =)

What's URL?

(read as Unlearn Relearn Life:// Soul Mind Engage)

Open your mind and put aside preconceptions. Knowledge in the journey of life is organic and rejuvenating. Before we learn new concepts, we need to unlearn the old concept.

Venture into the unknown and relearn to advance ourselves both intellectually and spiritually. Relearn to solve problems in a new way with a new mindset.

Engage both your mind and soul in Saff's brand new URL series. Presentation, dialogue and discussion on current issues that you have been unnerve to learn.

When? 12th July 2007, Thursday, 8.15pm (Don't be late, you could also have your maghrib done earlier at the centre. =D)
Where? Perdaus Hong Kah, Blk 364 Bukit Batok St.31 (5 mins walk frm Bukit Gombak MRT)
Topic? Cyber World! HoT! HoT! HoT!
Presenter? Ustaz Muhammad Haniff Hassan


Posted by hAiRiL/spiderman_pink at 01:58 0 comments  

Bulan pernah terbelah

Monday, 9 July 2007

Allah berfirman:

“Sungguh telah dekat hari kiamat, dan bulan pun telah terbelah.” (Q.S. Al-Qamar: 1)

Dalam temu wicara di televisi bersama pakar Geologi Muslim, Prof. Dr. Zaghlul Al-Najar, salah seorang warga Inggris mengajukan pertanyaan kepadanya, apakah ayat dari surat Al-Qamar di atas memiliki kandungan mukjizat secara ilmiah?

Maka Prof. Dr. Zaghlul Al-Najar menjawabnya sebagai berikut:

Tentang ayat ini, saya akan menceritakan sebuah kisah.

Beberapa waktu lalu, saya mempresentasikan hal itu di University Cardif, Inggris bagian Barat. Para peserta yang hadir bermacam-macam, ada yang muslim dan ada juga yang bukan muslim. Salah satu tema diskusi waktu itu adalah seputar mukjizat ilmiah dari Al-Qur’an.

Salah seorang pemuda yang beragama muslim pun berdiri dan bertanya, “Wahai Tuan, apakah menurut anda ayat yang berbunyi Telah dekat hari qiamat dan bulan pun telah terbelah mengandung mukjizat secara ilmiah?

Maka saya menjawabnya: Tidak, sebab kehebatan ilmiah diterangkan oleh ilmu pengetahuan, sedangkan mukjizat tidak bisa diterangkan ilmu pengetahuan, sebab ia tidak bisa menjangkaunya. Dan tentang terbelahnya bulan, maka hal itu adalah mukjizat yang terjadi pada masa Rasul terakhir Muhammad shallallahu ‘alaihi wassalam, sebagai pembenaran atas kenabian dan kerasulannya, sebagaimana nabi-nabi sebelumnya.

Dan mukjizat yang kelihatan, maka itu disaksikan dan dibenarkan oleh setiap orang yang melihatnya. Andai hal itu tidak termaktub di dalam kitab Allah dan hadits-hadits Rasulullah, maka tentulah kami para muslimin di zaman ini tidak akan mengimani hal itu. Akan tetapi hal itu memang benar termaktub di dalam Al-Qur’an dan hadits-hadits Rasulullah shallallahu alaihi wassalam. Dan memang Allah ta’alaa benar-benar maha berkuasa atas segala sesuatu.

Maka Prof. Dr. Zaghlul Al-Najar pun mengutip sebuah kisah Rasulullah membelah bulan. Kisah itu adalah sebelum hijrah dari Mekah Mukarramah ke Madinah Munawarah. Orang-orang musyrik berkata, “Wahai Muhammad, kalau engkau benar Nabi dan Rasul, coba tunjukkan kepada kami satu kehebatan yang bisa membuktikan kenabian dan kerasulanmu (dengan nada mengejek dan mengolok-olok)?

Rasulullah bertanya, “Apa yang kalian inginkan?” Mereka menjawab, “Coba belah bulan…” Rasulullah pun berdiri dan terdiam, berdoa kepada Allah agar menolongnya. Lalu Allah memberitahu Muhammad saw agar mengarahkan telunjuknya ke bulan. Rasulullah pun mengarahkan telunjuknya ke bulan dan terbelahlah bulan itu dengan sebenar-benarnya. Serta-merta orang-orang musyrik pun berujar, “Muhammad, engkau benar-benar telah menyihir kami!”

Akan tetapi para ahli mengatakan bahwa sihir, memang benar bisa saja “menyihir” orang yang ada disampingnya akan tetapi tidak bisa menyihir orang yang tidak ada di tempat itu. Lalu mereka pun menunggu orang-orang yang akan pulang dari perjalanan.

Orang-orang Quraisy pun bergegas menuju keluar batas kota Mekkah menanti orang yang baru pulang dari perjalanan. Dan ketika datang rombongan yang pertama kali dari perjalanan menuju Mekkah, orang-orang musyrik pun bertanya, “Apakah kalian melihat sesuatu yang aneh dengan bulan?” Mereka menjawab, “Ya, benar. Pada suatu malam yang lalu kami melihat bulan terbelah menjadi dua dan saling menjauh masing-masingnya kemudian bersatu kembali…”

Maka sebagian mereka pun beriman, dan sebagian lainnya lagi tetap kafir (ingkar). Oleh karena itu, Allah menurunkan ayat-Nya: “Sungguh, telah dekat hari qiamat, dan telah terbelah bulan, dan ketika melihat tanda-tanda kebesaran Kami, merekapun ingkar lagi berpaling seraya berkata, “Ini adalah sihir yang terus-menerus”, dan mereka mendustakannya, bahkan mengikuti hawa nafsu mereka. Dan setiap urusan benar-benar telah tetap… (sampai akhir surat Al-Qamar).

Ini adalah kisah nyata, demikian kata Prof. Dr. Zaghlul Al-Najar. Dan setelah selesainya Prof. Dr. Zaghlul menyampaikan hadits nabi tersebut, berdiri seorang muslim warga Inggris dan memperkenalkan diri seraya berkata, “Aku Daud Musa Pitkhok, ketua Al-Hizb Al-Islamy Inggris. Wahai Tuan, bolehkah aku menambahkan?”

Prof. Dr. Zaghlul Al-Najar menjawab: “Dipersilahkan dengan senang hati.” Daud Musa Pitkhok berkata, “Aku pernah meneliti agama-agama (sebelum menjadi muslim), maka salah seorang mahasiswa muslim menunjukiku sebuah terjemah makna-makna Al-Qur’an yang mulia. Maka, aku pun berterima kasih kepadanya dan aku membawa terjemah itu pulang ke rumah. Dan ketika aku membuka-buka terjemahan Al-Qur’an itu di rumah, maka surat yang pertama aku buka ternyata Al-Qamar. Dan aku pun membacanya: “Telah dekat hari qiamat dan bulan pun telah terbelah…”

Aku bergumam: Apakah kalimat ini masuk akal? Apakah mungkin bulan bisa terbelah kemudian bersatu kembali? Andai benar, kekuatan macam apa yang bisa melakukan hal itu? Maka, aku pun berhenti membaca ayat-ayat selanjutnya dan aku menyibukkan diri dengan urusan kehidupan sehari-hari. Akan tetapi Allah maha tahu tentang tingkat keikhlasan hamba-Nya dalam pencarian kebenaran.

Suatu hari aku duduk di depan televisi Inggris. Saat itu ada sebuah diskusi antara seorang presenter Inggris dan 3 orang pakar ruang angkasa AS. Ketiga pakar antariksa tersebut bercerita tentang dana yang begitu besar dalam rangka melakukan perjalanan ke antariksa, padahal saat yang sama dunia sedang mengalami masalah kelaparan, kemiskinan, sakit dan perselisihan.

Presenter berkata, “Andaikan dana itu digunakan untuk memakmurkan bumi, tentulah lebih banyak gunanya.” Ketiga pakar itu pun membela diri dengan proyek antariksanya dan berkata, “Proyek antariksa ini akan membawa dampak yang sangat positif pada banyak segmen kehidupan manusia, baik pada segi kedokteran, industri ataupun pertanian. Jadi pendanaan tersebut bukanlah hal yang sia-sia, akan tetapi hal itu dalam rangka pengembangan kehidupan manusia.”

Dalam diskusi tersebut dibahas tentang turunnya astronot hingga menjejakkan kakinya di bulan, dimana perjalanan antariksa ke bulan tersebut telah menghabiskan dana tidak kurang dari 100 juta dollar. Mendengar hal itu, presenter terperangah kaget dan berkata, “Kebodohan macam apalagi ini, dana yang begitu besar dibuang oleh AS hanya untuk bisa mendarat di bulan?”

Mereka pun menjawab, “Tidak! Tujuannya tidak semata menancapkan ilmu pengetahuan AS di bulan, akan tetapi kami mempelajari kandungan yang ada di dalam bulan itu sendiri, maka kami pun telah mendapat hakikat tentang bulan itu, yang jika kita berikan dana lebih dari 100 juta dollar untuk kesenangan manusia, maka kami tidak akan memberikan dana itu kepada siapapun.”

Mendengar hal itu, presenter itu pun bertanya, “Hakikat apa yang kalian telah capai hingga demikian mahal taruhannya?” Mereka menjawab, “Ternyata bulan pernah mengalami pembelahan di suatu hari dahulu kala, kemudian menyatu kembali!

Presenter pun bertanya, “Bagaimana kalian bisa yakin akan hal itu?” Mereka menjawab, “Kami mendapati secara pasti dari batu2-an yang terpisah (karena) terpotong di permukaan bulan sampai di dalam (perut) bulan. Kami meminta para pakar geologi untuk menelitinya, dan mereka mengatakan, “Hal ini tidak mungkin terjadi kecuali jika memang bulan pernah terbelah lalu bersatu kembali!”

Mendengar paparan itu, ketua Al-Hizb Al-Islamy Inggris mengatakan, “Maka aku pun turun dari kursi dan berkata, Mukjizat (kehebatan) benar-benar telah terjadi pada diri Muhammad shallallahu alaihi wassallam 1400-an tahun yang lalu. Allah benar-benar telah mengolok-olok AS untuk mengeluarkan dana yang begitu besar, hingga 100 juta dollar, hanya untuk menetapkan akan kebenaran muslimin! Agama Islam ini tidak mungkin salah… Lalu aku pun kembali membuka Mushhaf Al-Qur’an dan aku baca surat Al-Qamar. Dan saat itu adalah awal aku menerima dan masuk Islam.”



Posted by hAiRiL/spiderman_pink at 00:17 0 comments  

Meninggal Ketika Sujud Di Masjid Nabawi

Sunday, 8 July 2007


Saya dapat gambar ni dari rakan di Riyadh, untuk dikongsi bersama dengan rakan-rakan yang lain, alangkah indahnya jika dapat mati dalam keadaan begini, insya Allah.. Amin

Forwardkan ke rakan-rakan yang lain agar manjadi teladan semua.

Helmi Buhollia
Riyadh, KSA


Posted by hAiRiL/spiderman_pink at 00:40 0 comments  

Chinese Youth Killed By Cell Phone Battery Blast

Saturday, 7 July 2007

Jul 3 03:10 PM US/Eastern

Chinese Youth Killed By Cell Phone Battery Blast beijing , July 03 (qna) - A 22-year-old Welder In North-western China Died When His Cell Phone Battery Exploded As He Was Working In Hot Temperatures, A Newspaper Reported Tuesday.

The Battery Exploded While The Phone Was In The Man's Pocket As He Was Welding At A Factory In Shuangcheng In Jinta County In Gansu Province, The Lanzhou Chenbao Reported, Adding That The Death Was Believed To Be The First In China Caused By A Cell Phone Battery.

The June 19 Blast Broke A Rib And Drove It Into The Man's Heart And He Collapsed In A Pool Of Blood, The Report Said. He Was Taken To Hospital But Died There.

The Manufacturer Of The Phone Was Notified And Dispatched Experts To Jinta To Conduct An Investigation. qna 1906 Gmt 2007/07/03<

spiderman_pink: ni lah sebabnya ana tak suka orang bergayut lama-lama di hp huhu


Posted by hAiRiL/spiderman_pink at 00:00 0 comments  

Menjinakkan Hawa Nafsu

Friday, 6 July 2007

Nafsu adalah unsur penting di dalam kehidupan setiap orang. Penampilan lahiriah dan bathiniah seseorang sangat dipengaruhi oleh keadaan nafsu seseorang. Di dalam hadis Nabi disebutkan:

ألا وإن في الجسد مضغة، إذا صلحت صلح الجسد كله وإذافسدت فسد الجسد كله

Ketahuilah bahwa di dalam diri seseorang ada suatu substansi. Jika substansi itu baik, maka akan berpengaruh positif pada penampilan fisik, dan jika substansi itu rusak, maka akan berpengaruh negatif pula pada penampilan fisik. Substansi yang dimaksud ialah hati, yang biasa juga diistilahkan dengan nafsu.

Al-Qur’an secara umum membedakan tiga jenis nafsu sebagai berikut:

A. Nafs al-ammarah

وَمَا أُبَرِّئُ نَفْسِي إِنَّ النَّفْسَ لَأَمَّارَةٌ بِالسُّوءِ إِلَّا مَا رَحِمَ رَبِّي إِنَّ رَبِّي غَفُورٌ رَحِيمٌ (53)

“ Dan aku tidak membebaskan diriku (dari kesalahan), karena sesungguhnya nafsu itu selalu menyuruh kepada kejahatan, kecuali nafsu yang diberi rahmat oleh Tuhanku. Sesungguhnya Tuhanku Maha Pengampun lagi Maha Penyayang. “(Q.S. Yusuf/12:53)

Ciri utama pemilik nafsu ini antara lain dijelaskan di dalam al-Qur’an sebagai berikut:

إِنْ تَمْسَسْكُمْ حَسَنَةٌ تَسُؤْهُمْ وَإِنْ تُصِبْكُمْ سَيِّئَةٌ يَفْرَحُوا بِهَا

“Jika kamu memperoleh kebaikan niscaya mereka bersedih hati, tetapi jika kamu mendapat bencana mereka bergembira karenanya” (Q.S. Ali ‘Imrân/3:120).

وَدُّوا مَا عَنِتُّمْ قَدْ بَدَتِ الْبَغْضَاءُ مِنْ أَفْوَاهِهِمْ وَمَا تُخْفِي صُدُورُهُمْ أَكْبَرُ

“Mereka menyukai apa yang menyusahkan kamu. Telah nyata kebencian dari mulut mereka dan apa yang disembunyikan oleh hati mereka lebih besar lagi” (Q.S. Ali Imran/3:118).

Secara umum jenis nafsu ini dapat diidentifikasi sebagai berikut:

1. Mudah melanggar larangan Allah Swt;

2. Mudah mengikuti dorongan hawa nafsu;

3. Mudah melakukan dosa tanpa merasa ada beban.

Pemilik nafsu ini paling rentan dijangkiti penyakit-penyakit hati, antara lain: sombong, kikir, tamak, hasud, berkata kotor, suka merendahkan, boros, gegabah, sewenang-wenang, fitnah, bohong, pamer, tidak tahu malu, munafik, keluh-kesah, malas, buruk sangka, cepat marah, dan dengki.

B. Nafs al-lawwâmah

وَلَا أُقْسِمُ بِالنَّفْسِ اللَّوَّامَة ِ(2)

Dan aku bersumpah dengan jiwa yang amat menyesali (dirinya sendiri). (

Yang dimaksud dengan nafs al-lauwwamah ialah nafsu yang suka mencela, baik terhadap orang lain maupun terhadap dirinya sendiri. Ciri-ciri umum pemilik nafsu ini antara lain dijelaskan dalam Al-Qur’an:

أَنْ تَقُولَ نَفْسٌ يَاحَسْرَتَا عَلَى مَا فَرَّطْتُ فِي جَنْبِ اللَّهِ وَإِنْ كُنْتُ لَمِنَ السَّاخِرِينَ (56)

“Supaya jangan ada orang yang mengatakan: "Amat besar penyesalanku atas kelalaianku dalam (menunaikan kewajiban) terhadap Allah, sedang aku sesungguhnya termasuk orang-orang yang memperolok-olokkan (agama Allah).” (Q.S. az-Zumar/39: 56).

إِنَّ الْإِنْسَانَ خُلِقَ هَلُوعًا(19)إِذَا مَسَّهُ الشَّرُّ جَزُوعًا(20)وَإِذَا مَسَّهُ الْخَيْرُ مَنُوعًا(21)

“Sesungguhnya manusia diciptakan bersifat keluh kesah lagi kikir. Apabila ia ditimpa kesusahan ia berkeluh kesah dan apabila ia mendapat kebaikan ia amat kikir.” (Q.S. al-Ma’arij/70:19-21).

Pemilik nafsu ini sering melakukan kebaikan tetapi pada saat bersamaan juga melakukan dosa dan keburukan. Mereka inilah yang mencampuradukkan antara kebaikan dan keburukan. Mereka inilah yang sering double standard atau bermuka dua, terkadang sok shaleh dan sok suci, membenci keburukan tetapi pada kesempatan lain mendukung dan kerapkali melakukan dosa.

Pemilik nafsu ini masih agak beruntung, karena mereka masih mengenal penyesalan dan tobat, bahkan tidak jarang menangis meratapi dosa-dosa masa lalunya, meskipun kerap kali tergelincir lagi, bertobat lagi, dan seterusnya. Pemilik nafsu ini paling sering menyesal, karena menyia-nyiakan kesempatan untuk tidak berbuat baik dan beramal shaleh, menyesal karena sering lalai dan melakukan sesuatu yang dia sadari bahwa pilihan-pilihan nafsunya itu akan membawa penyesalan di kemudian hari. Mudah-mudahan orang seperti ini mendapatkan “khusnul khatimah”, berakhir dengan kebaikan, bukan sebaliknya, “su’ul khatimah”, meninggal dalam keadaan tengah berdosa atau lupa kepada Allah Swt.

C. Nafs al-Muthmainnah

يَاأَيَّتُهَا النَّفْسُ الْمُطْمَئِنَّةُ (27) ارْجِعِي إِلَى رَبِّكِ رَاضِيَةً مَرْضِيَّةً (28) فَادْخُلِي فِي عِبَادِي (29) وَادْخُلِي جَنَّتِي


“Hai jiwa yang tenang, kembalilah kepada Tuhanmu dengan hati yang puas lagi diridhai-Nya, kembalilah kepada Tuhanmu dengan hati yang puas lagi diridhai-Nya, maka masuklah ke dalam jama'ah hamba-hamba-Ku.” (Q.S. al-Fajr/89:27)

Yang dimaksud nafs al-muthmainnah ialah jiwa yang tenang, jiwa yang konstan dan konsisten, istiqamah dalam pendirian, tidak fluktuatif, sekalipun diterpa oleh berbagai krisis.

Ciri-ciri umum pemilik nafs al-muthmainnah dalam Al-Qur’an antara lain sebagai berikut:

1. Memiliki keyakinan yang tidak pernah goyah terhadap kebenaran, dalam keadaan bagaimanapun, قلبه مطمئن بالإيمان (Q.S. al-Nahl/16:106)

2. Memiliki rasa aman, terbebas dari rasa phobi, takut, dan keraguan, فإذااطمأننتم فأقيمواالصلاة (Q.S. Fushshilat/41: 30).

3. Hatinya selalu tenteram dan damai karena ingatannya selalu tertuju kepada Allah Swt, وتطمئن قلوبهم بذكرالله ألابذكرالله تطمئن القلوب (Q.S. al-Ra’d/13:28).

Beruntunglah para pemilik jiwa muthmainnah, karena orang ini tidak lagi pernah merasa sumpek dan tidak pernah lagi ada dendam, serta power struggle. Jiwanya begitu lapang untuk menenggelamkan seluruh cercaan orang lain terhadapnya; perasaan cinta menyelimuti seluruh jiwanya sehingga tidak menyisakan sedikitpun kebencian; kesediaan untuk memaafkan semua orang sehingga tidak menyisakan seorangpun musuh di dalam jiwanya; budi pekertinya begitu halus sehingga tidak menyisakan sedikitpun kekasaran dalam perilakunya; imannya begitu kuat sehingga tidak menyisakan sedikitpun keraguan di dalam hatinya; kesabarannya begitu tinggi sehingga tidak menyisakan sedikitpun keluh kesah; kepercayaan dirinya begitu kokoh sehingga tidak menyisihkan sedikitpun bayangan kekecewaan di dalam dirinya; jihad dan mujahadahnya begitu kuat sehingga tidak pernah terbayang kelesuan dan kemalasan di dalam penampilannya.

Berbahagialah para pemilik jiwa muthmainnah, karena mereka akan dipanggil mesra oleh kekasihnya, Allah Swt dengan panggilan: “Wahai pemilik jiwa yang tenang, kembalilah kepangkuan Tuhanmu dengan penuh keridhaan, bergabunglah bersama kekasihku yang lain, masuklah ke dalam syurga-Ku”.

Adapun upaya-upaya untuk menggapai jiwa yang terakhir ini, antara lain: tafakkur (تفكر), kesungguhan (عزم), pengkondisian diri (مشارطة), penjagaan diri (مراقبة), pengasingan diri (مفارقة), penghiasan jiwa (محاسنة), pensucian jiwa (تذكية النفس), pengosongan jiwa selain Allah (تخلى), pengisian Jiwa (تحلى), dan penampakan sifat-sifat ketuhanan (تجلى).

Sedangkan jalan-jalan yang mesti dilalui menuju ke sana, antara lain: taubat, zuhud, sabar, kefakiran, kerendahan hati, taqwa, tawakkal, cinta (محبة), ma'rifah (معرفة), ittihad (إتحاد). Demikianlah, semoga kita semua termasuk orang-orang yang berusaha terus menjadi “jiwa muthma’innah”.

Sumber :
Tulisan Al Ustadz yang terhormat Bpk. Prof. DR. H. Nasaruddin Umar, MA - Dirjen Bimas Islam Depag & Salah satu Dewan Pakar Mesjid Agung Sunda Kelapa


Posted by hAiRiL/spiderman_pink at 00:00 0 comments  

Cinta Itu Tak Terlihat

Thursday, 5 July 2007

Kenapa kita menutup mata kita ketika kita tidur?
Ketika kita menangis?
Ketika kita membayangkan?
Itu karena hal terindah di dunia ini tidak terlihat

Ketika kita menemukan seseorang yang keunikannya SEJALAN dengan kita
Kita bergabung dengannya dan jatuh ke dalam suatu keindahan yang serupa yang dinamakan CINTA

Ada hal-hal yang tidak ingin kita lepaskan
Orang-orang yang tidak ingin kita tinggalkan
Tapi ingatlah
Melepaskan BUKAN akhir dari dunia
Melainkan awal kehidupan baru

Kebahagiaan ada untuk mereka yang menangis
Mereka yang telah mencari
Dan mereka yang telah mencoba
Karena MEREKALAH yang bisa menghargai betapa pentingnya orang yang telah menyentuh kehidupan mereka

Adalah ketika kamu menitikkan air mata dan MASIH peduli terhadapnya
Adalah ketika dia tidak mempedulikanmu dan kamu MASIH menunggunya dengan setia
Adalah ketika dia mulai mencintai yang lain dan kamu MASIH bisa tersenyum sembari berkata 'Aku turut berbahagia untukmu'

Apabila cinta tidak berhasil
Biarkan hatimu kembali melebarkan sayapnya dan terbang ke alam bebas LAGI

Bahwa kamu mungkin menemukan cinta dan kehilangannya
Tapi ketika cinta itu mati
Kamu tidak perlu mati bersamanya

Orang terkuat BUKAN mereka yang selalu menang
MELAINKAN mereka yang tetap tegar ketika mereka jatuh

Entah bagaimana dalam perjalanan kehidupan
Kamu belajar tentang dirimu sendiri dan menyadari bahwa penyesalan tidak seharusnya ada
HANYALAH penghargaan abadi atas pilihan-pilihan kehidupan yang telah kau buat

Mengerti ketika kamu berkata 'aku lupa....'
Menunggu selamanya ketika kamu berkata 'tunggu sebentar'
Tetap tinggal ketika kamu berkata 'tinggalkan aku sendiri'
Membuka pintu meski kamu belum mengetuk dan berkata 'bolehkah saya masuk?'

Bukanlah bagaimana kamu melupakan
Melainkan bagaimana kamu memaafkan
Bukanlah bagaimana kamu mendengarkan
Melainkan bagaimana kamu mengerti
Bukanlah apa yang kamu lihat
Melainkan apa yang kamu rasakan
Bukanlah bagaimana kamu melepaskan
Melainkan bagaimana kamu bertahan

Lebih berbahaya mencucurkan air mata dalam hati dibandingkan menangis tersedu-sedu
Air mata yang keluar dapat dihapus
Sementara air mata yang tersembunyi menggoreskan luka yang tidak akan pernah hilang

Dalam urusan cinta
Tapi ketika cinta itu TULUS
Meskipun kalah
Kita tetep MENANG
Hanya karena kamu berbahagia
Dapat mencintai seseorang
LEBIH dari kamu mencintai dirimu sendiri

Akan tiba saatnya dimana kita harus berhenti mencintai seseorang
BUKAN karena orang itu berhenti mencintai kita
MELAINKAN karena kita menyadari bahwa orang itu akan lebih berbahagia apabila kita melepaskannya

Kadang kala
Orang yang kamu cintai
Adalah orang yang PALING menyakiti hatimu

Dan kadang kala
Teman yang menangis bersamamu
Adalah cinta yang tidak kamu sadari

Diambil dari Novel Pakistan, Judul "Cinta yang terlambat" oleh Dr. Ikram Abidi


Posted by hAiRiL/spiderman_pink at 00:06 3 comments  

The Amazing Qur'an

Wednesday, 4 July 2007

by Gary Miller

Calling the Qur'an amazing is not something done only by Muslims, who have an appreciation for the book and who are pleased with it; it has been labeled amazing by non-Muslims as well. In fact, even people who hate Islam very much have still called it amazing.

One thing which surprises non_muslims who are examining the book very closely is that the Qur'an does not appear to them to be what they expected. What they assume is that they have an old book which came fourteen centuries ago from the Arabian desert; and they expect that the book should look something like that - an old book from the desert. And then they find out that it does not resemble what they expected at all. Additionally, one of the first things that some people assume is that because it is an old book which comes from the desert, it should talk about the desert. Well the Qur'an does talk about the desert - some of its imagery describes the desert; but it also talks about the sea - what it's like to be in a storm on the sea.

Some years ago, the story came to us in Toronto about a man who was in the merchant marine and made his living on the sea. A Muslim gave him a translation of the Qur'an to read. The merchant marine knew nothing about the history of Islam but was interested in reading the Qur'an. When he finished reading it, he brought it back to the Muslim and asked, "This Muhammed, was he a sailor?" He was impressed at how accurately the Qur'an describes a storm on a sea. When he was told, "No as a matter of fact, Muhammed lived in the desert," that was enough for him. He embraced Islam on the spot. He was so impressed with the Qur'an's description because he had been in a storm on the sea, and he knew that whoever had written that description had also been in a storm on the sea. The description of "a wave, over it a wave, over it clouds" was not what someone imagining a storm on a sea to be like would have written; rather, it was written by someone who knew what a storm on the sea was like. This is one example of how the Qur'an is not tied to a certain place and time. Certainly, the scientific ideas expressed in it also do not seem to originate from the desert fourteen centuries ago.

Many centuries before the onset of Muhammed's Prophethood, there was a well-known theory of atomism advanced by the Greek philosopher, Democritus. He and the people who came after him assumed that matter consists of tiny, indestructible, indivisible particles called atoms. The Arabs too, used to deal in the same concept; in fact, the Arabic word dharrah commonly referred to the smallest particle known to man. Now, modern science has discovered that this smallest unit of matter (i.e., the atom, which has all of the same properties as its element) can be split into its component parts. This is a new idea, a development of the last century; yet, interestingly enough, this information had already been documented in the Qur'an which states:

" He [i.e., Allah] is aware of an atom's weight in the heavens and on the earth and even anything smaller than that..."

Undoubtedly, fourteen centuries ago that statement would have looked unusual, even to an Arab. For him, the dharrah was the smallest thing there was. Indeed, this is proof, that the Qur'an is not outdated.

Another example of what one might expect to find in an"old book" that touches upon the subject of health or medicine is outdated remedies or cures. Various historical sources state that the Prophet gave some advice about health and hygiene, yet most of these pieces of advice are not contained in the Qur'an. At first glance, to the non-Muslims this appears to be a negligent omission. They cannot understand why Allah would not "include" such helpful information in the Qur'an. Some Muslims attempt to explain this absence with the following argument: "Although the Prophet's advice was sound and applicable to the time in which he lived, Allah, in His infinite wisdom, knew that there would come later medical and scientific advances which would make the Prophet's advice appear outdated. When later discoveries occurred, people might say that such information contradicted that which the Prophet had given. Thus, since Allah would never allow any opportunity for the non-Muslims to claim that the Qur'an contradicts itself or the teachings of the Prophet, He only included in the Qur'an information and examples which could stand the test of time."

However, when one examines the true realities of the Qur'an in terms of its existence as a divine revelation, the entire matter is quickly brought into its proper perspective, and the error in such argumentation becomes clear and understandable. It must be understood that the Qur'an is a divine revelation, and as such, all information in it is of divine origin. Allah revealed the Qur'an from Himself. It is the words of Allah, which existed before creation, and thus nothing can be added, subtracted or altered. In essence, the Qur'an existed and was complete before the creation of Prophet Muhammed, so it could not possibly contain any of the Prophet's own words or advice. An inclusion of such information would clearly contradict the purpose for which the Qur'an exists, compromise its authority and render it inauthentic as a divine revelation.

Consequently, there was no "home remedies" in the Qur'an which one could claim to be outdated; nor does it contain any man's view about what is beneficial to health, what food is best to eat, or what will cure this or that disease. In fact, the Qur'an only mentions one item dealing with medical treatment, and it is not in dispute by anyone. It states that in honey there is healing. And certainly, I do not think that there is anyone who will argue with that!

If one assumes that the Qur'an is the product of a man's mind, then one would expect it to reflect some of what was going on in the mind of the man who "composed" it. In fact, certain encyclopedias and various books clam that the Qur'an was the product of hallucinations that Muhammed underwent. If these claims are true - if it indeed originated from some psychological problems in Muhammed's mind - then evidence of this would be apparent in the Qur'an. Is there such evidence? In order to determine whether or not there is, one must first identify what things would have been going on in his mind at that time and then search for these thoughts and reflections in the Qur'an.

It is common knowledge that Muhammad had a very difficult life. All of his daughters died before him except one, and he had a wife of several years who was dear and important to him, who not only proceeded him in death at a very critical period of his life. As a matter of fact, she must have been quite a woman because when the first revelation came to him, he ran home to her afraid. Certainly, even today one would have a hard time trying to find an Arab who would tell you, "I was so afraid that I ran home to my wife." They just aren't that way. Yet Muhammed felt comfortable enough with his wife to be able to do that. That's how influential and strong woman she was. Although these examples are only a few of the subjects that would have been on Muhammed's mind, they are sufficient in intensity to prove my point. The Qur'an does not mention any of these things - not the death of his children, not the death of his beloved companion and wife, not his fear of the initial revelations, which he so beautifully shared with his wife - nothing; yet, these topics must have hurt him, bothered him, and caused him pain and grief during periods of his psychological reflections, then these subjects, as well as others, would be prevalent or at least mentioned throughout.

A truly scientific approach to the Qur'an is possible because the Qur'an offers something that is not offered by other religious scriptures, in particular, and other religions, in general. It is what scientists demand. Today there are many people who have ideas and theories about how the universe works. These people are all over the place, but the scientific community does not even bother to listen to them. This is because within the last century the scientific community has demanded a test of falsification. They say, "If you have theory, do not bother us with it unless you bring with that theory a way for us to prove whether you are wrong or not."

Such a test was exactly why the scientific community listened to Einstein towards the beginning of the century. He came with a new theory and said, "I believe the universe works like this; and here are three ways to prove whether I am wrong!". So the scientific community subjected his theory to the tests, and within six years it passed all three. Of course, this does not prove that he was great, but it proves that he deserved to be listened to because he said, "This is my idea; and if you want to try to prove me wrong, do this or try that." This is exactly what the Qur'an has - falsification tests. Some are old (in that they have already been proven true), and some still exist today. Basically it states, "If this book is not what it claims to be, then all you have to do is this or this or this to prove that it is false." Of course, in 1400 years no one has been able to do "This or this or this, " and thus it is still considered true and authentic. I suggest to you that the next time you get into dispute with someone about Islam and he claims that he has the truth and that you are in darkness, you leave all other arguments at first and make this suggestion. Ask him, "Is there any falsification test in your religion? Is there anything in your religion that would prove you are wrong if I could prove to you that it exists - anything?" Well, I can promise right now that people will not have anything - no test, no proof, nothing! This is because they do not carry around the idea that they should not only present what they believe but should also offer others a chance to prove they're wrong. However, Islam does that. A perfect example of how Islam provides man with a chance to verify it authenticity and "prove it wrong" occurs in the 4th chapter. And quiet honestly, I was surprised when I first discovered this challenge. It states:

"Do they not consider the Qur'an? Had it been from any other than Allah, they would surely have found therein much discrepancy."

This is a clear challenge to the non-Muslim.Basically, it invites him to find a mistake. As a matter of fact, the seriousness and difficulty of the challenge aside, the actual presentation of such a challenge in the first place is not even in human nature and is inconsistent with man's personality. One doesn't take an exam in school after finishing the exam, write a note to the instructor at the end saying, "This exam is perfect. There are no mistakes in it. Find one if you can!". One just doesn't do that. The teacher would not sleep until he found a mistake! And yet this is the way the Qur'an approaches people. Another interesting attitude that exists in the Qur'an repeatedly deals with its advice to the reader. The Qur'an informs that reader about different facts and then gives the advice: "If you want to know more about this or that, or if you doubt what is said, then you should ask those who have knowledge." This too is a surprising attitude. It is not usual to have a book that comes from someone without training in geography, botany, biology, etc., who discusses these subjects and then advises the reader to ask men of knowledge if he doubts anything.

Yet in every age there have been Muslims who have followed the advice of the Qur'an and made surprising discoveries. If one looks to the works of Muslim scientists if many centuries ago, one will find them full of quotations from the Qur'an. These works state that they did research in such a place, looking for something. And they affirm that the reason they looked in such and such a place was that the Qur'an pointed them in that direction. For example, the Qur'an mentions man's origin and then tells the reader, "Research it!" It gives the reader a hint where to look and then states that one should find out more about it. This is the kind of thing that Muslims today largely seem to overlook - but not always, as illustrated in the following example. A few years ago, a group of men in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia collected all if the verses in the Qur'an which discuss embryology - the growth of the human being in the womb. They said, "Here is what the Qur'an says. Is it the truth?" In essence, they took the advice of the Qur'an: "Ask the men who know." They chose, as it happened, a non-Muslim who is a professor of embryology at the University of Toronto. His name is Keith Moore, and he is the author of textbooks on embryology - a world expert on the subject. They invited him to Riyadh and said, "This is what the Qur'an says about your subject. Is it true? What can you tell us?" While he was in Riyadh, they gave him all of the help that he needed in translation and all of the cooperation for which he asked. And he was so surprised at what he found that he changed his textbooks. In fact, in the second edition of one of his books, called Before we are born... in the second edition about the history of embryology, he included some material that was not in the first edition because of what he found in the Qur'an. Truly this illustrates that the Qur'an was ahead of its time and that those who believe in the Qur'an know what other people do not know.

I had the pleasure of interviewing Dr. Keith Moore for a television presentation, and we talked a great deal about this - it was illustrated by slides and so on. He mentioned that some of the things that the Qur'an states about the growth of the human being were not known until thirty years ago. In fact, he said that one item in particular - the Qur'an's description of the human being as a "leech-like clot" ('alaqah) at one stage - was new to him; but when he checked on it, he found that it was true, and so he added it to his book. He said, "I never thought of that before," and he went to the zoology department and asked for a picture of a leech. When he found that it looked just like the human embryo, he decided to include both pictures in one of his textbooks. Dr. Moore also wrote a book on clinical embryology, and when he presented this information in Toronto, it caused quite a stir throughout Canada. It was on the front pages of some of the newspapers across Canada, and some of the headlines were quite funny. For instance, one headline read: "SURPRISING THING FOUND IN ANCIENT BOOK!"! It seems obvious from this example that people do not clearly understand what it is all about. As a matter of fact, one newspaper reporter asked Professor Moore, "Don't you think That maybe the Arabs might have known about these things - the description of the embryo, its appearance and how it changes and grows? Maybe there were not scientists, but maybe they did something crude dissections on their own - carved up people and examined these things."

The professor immediately pointed out to him that he [i.e., the reporter] had missed a very important point - all of the slides of the embryo that had been shown and had been projected in the film had come from pictures taken through a microscope. He said, "It does not matter if someone had tried to discover embryology fourteen centuries ago, they could not have seen it!". All of the descriptions in the Qur'an of the appearance of the embryo are of the item when it is still too small to see with the eye; therefore, one needs a microscope to see it. Since such a device had only been around for little more than two hundred years, Dr. Moore taunted, "Maybe fourteen centuries ago someone secretly had a microscope and did this research, making no mistakes anywhere. Then he somehow taught Muhammad and convinced him to put this information in his book. Then he destroyed his equipment and kept it a secret forever. Do you believe that? You really should not unless you bring some proof because it is such a ridiculous theory." In fact, when he was asked "How do you explain this information in the Qur'an?" Dr. Moore's reply was, "It could only have been divinely revealed."!

Although the aforementioned example of man researching information contained in the Qur'an deals with a non-Muslim, it is still valid because he is one of those who is knowledgeable in the subject being researched. Had some layman claimed that what the Qur'an says about embryology is true, then one would not necessarily have to accept his word. However, because of the high position, respect, and esteem man gives scholars, one naturally assumes that if they research a subject and arrive at a conclusion based on that research, then the conclusion is valid. One of Professor Moore's colleagues, Marshall Johnson, deals extensively with geology at the University of Toronto.

He became very interested in the fact that the Qur'an's statements about embryology are accurate, and so he asked Muslims to collect everything contained in the Qur'an which deals with his specialty. Again people were very surprised at the findings. Since there are a vast number subjects discussed in the Qur'an, it would certainly require a large amount of time to exhaust each subject. It suffices for the purpose of this discussion to state that the Qur'an makes very clear and concise statements about various subjects while simultaneously advising the reader to verify the authenticity of these statements with research by scholars in those subjects. And as illustrated by the Qur'an has clearly emerged authentic. Undoubtedly, there is an attitude in the Qur'an which is not found anywhere else. It is interesting how when the Qur'an provides information, it often tells the reader, "You did not know this before." Indeed, there is no scripture that exists which makes that claim. All of the other ancient writings and scriptures that people have, do give a lot of information, but they always state where the information came from.

For example, when the Bible discusses ancient history, it states that this king lived here, this one fought in a certain battle, another one had so may sons, etc. Yet it always stipulates that if you want more information, then you should read the book of so and so because that is where the information came from. In contrast to this concept, the Qur'an provides the reader with information and states that this information is something new. Of course, there always exists the advice to research the information provided and verify its authenticity. It is interesting that such a concept was never challenged by non-Muslims fourteen centuries ago. Indeed, the Makkans who hated the Muslims, and time and time again they heard such revelations claiming to bring new information; yet, they never spoke up and said, "This is not new. We know where Muhammad got this information. We learned this at school."

They could never challenge its authenticity because it really was new! In concurrence with the advice given in the Qur'an to research information (even if it is new), when 'Umar was caliph, he chose a group of men and sent them to find the wall of Dhul-Qarnayn. Before the Qur'anic revelation, the Arabs had never heard of such a wall, but because the Qur'an described it, they were able to discover it. As a matter of fact, it is now located in what is called Durbend in the Soviet Union. It must be stressed here that the Qur'an is accurate about many, many things, but accuracy does not necessarily mean that a book is a divine revelation. In fact, accuracy is only one of the criteria for divine revelations.

For instance, the telephone book is accurate, but that does not mean that it is divinely revealed. The real problem lies in that one must establish some proof of the source the Qur'an's information. The emphasis is on the reader. One cannot simply deny the Qur'an's authenticity without sufficient proof. If, indeed, one finds a mistake, then he has the right to disqualify it. This is exactly what the Qur'an encourages. Once a man came up to me after a lecture I delivered in South Africa. He was very angry about what I had said, and so he claimed, "I am going to go home tonight and find a mistake in the Qur'an." Of course, I said, "Congratulations. That is the most intelligent thing that you have said." Certainly, this is the approach Muslims need to take with those who doubt the Qur'an's authenticity, because the Qur'an itself offers the same challenge. An inevitably, after accepting it's challenge and discovering that it is true, these people will come to believe it because they could not disqualify it. In essence, the Qur'an earns their respect because they themselves have had to verify its authenticity. An essential fact that cannot be reiterated enough concerning the authenticity of the Qur'an is that one's inability to explain a phenomenon himself does not require his acceptance of the phenomenon's existence or another person's explanation of it.

Specifically, just because one cannot explain something does not mean that one has to accept someone else's explanation. However, the person's refusal of other explanations reverts the burden of proof back on himself to find a feasible answer. This general theory applies to numerous concepts in life, but fits most wonderfully with the Qur'anic challenge, for it creates a difficulty for one who says, "I do not believe it." At the onset of refusal one immediately has an obligation to find an explanation himself if he feels others' answers are inadequate. In fact, in one particular Qur'anic verse which I have always seen mistranslated into English, Allah mentions a man who heard the truth explained to him. It states that he was derelict in his duty because after he heard the information, he left without checking the verity of what he had heard. In other words, one is guilty if he hears something and does not research it and check to see whether it is true. One is supposed to process all information and decide what is garbage to be thrown out and what is worthwhile information to be kept and benefited from at a later date. One cannot just let it rattle around in his head. It must be put in the proper categories and approached from that point of view. For example, if the information is still speculatory, then one must discern whether it's closer to being true or false. But if all of the facts have been presented, then one must decide absolutely between these two options. And even if one is not positive about the authenticity of the information, he is still required to process all of the information and make the admission that he just does not know for sure. Although this last point appears to be futile, in actuality, it is beneficial to the arrival at a positive conclusion at a later time in that it forces the person to at least recognize, research and review the facts. This familiarity with the information will give the person "the edge" when future discoveries are made and additional information is presented. The important thing is that one deals with the facts and does not simply discard them out of empathy and disinterest.

The real certainty about the truthfulness of the Qur'an is evident in the confidence which is prevalent throughout it; and this confidence comes from a different approach - "Exhausting the Alternatives." In essence, the Qur'an states, "This book is a divine revelation; if you do not believe that, then what is it?" In other words, the reader is challenged to come up with some other explanation. Here is a book made of paper and ink. Where did it come from? It says it is a divine revelation; if it is not, then what is its source? The interesting fact is that no one has with an explanation that works. In fact, all alternatives have bee exhausted. As has been well established by non-Muslims, these alternatives basically are reduces to two mutually exclusive schools of thought, insisting on one or the other. On one hand, there exists a large group of people who have researched the Qur'an for hundreds of years and who claim, "One thing we know for sure - that man, Muhammad, thought he was a prophet. He was crazy!" They are convinced that Muhammad (SAW) was fooled somehow. Then on the other hand, there is another group which alleges, "Because of this evidence, one thing we know for sure is that that man, Muhammad, was a liar!" Ironically, these two groups never seem to get together without contradicting. In fact, many references on Islam usually claim both theories. They start out by saying that Muhammad (SAW) was crazy and then end by saying that he was a liar. They never seem to realize that he could not have been both!

For example, if one is deluded and really thinks that he is a prophet, then he does not sit up late at night planning, "How will I fool the people tomorrow so that they think I am a prophet?" He truly believes that he is a prophet, and he trusts that the answer will be given to him by revelation. As a matter of fact, a great deal of the Qur'an came in answer to questions. Someone would ask Muhammad (SAW) a question, and the revelation would come with the answer to it. Certainly, if one is crazy and believes that an angel put words in his ear, then when someone asks him a question, he thinks that the angel will give him the answer. Because he is crazy, he really thinks that. He does not tell someone to wait a short while and then run to his friends and ask them, "Does anyone know the answer?" This type of behavior is characteristic of one who does not believe that he is a prophet. What the non-Muslims refuse to accept is that you cannot have it both ways. One can be deluded, or he can be a liar. He can be either one or neither, but he certainly cannot be both! The emphasis is on the fact that they are unquestionably mutually exclusive personal traits.

The following scenario is a good example of the kind of circle that non-Muslims go around in constantly. If you ask one of them, "What is the origin of the Qur'an?" He tells you that it originated from the mind of a man who was crazy. Then you ask him, "If it came from his head, then where did he get the information contained in it? Certainly the Qur'an mentions many things with which the Arabs were not familiar." So in order to explain the fact which you bring him, he changes his position and says, "Well, maybe he was not crazy. Maybe some foreigner brought him the information. So he lied and told people that he was a prophet." At this point then you have to ask him, "If Muhammad was a liar, then where did he get his confidence? Why did he behave as though he really thought he was a prophet?" Finally backed into a corner, like a cat he quickly lashes out with the first response that comes to his mind. Forgetting that he has already exhausted that possibility, he claims, "Well, maybe he wasn't a liar. He was probably crazy and really thought that he was a prophet." And thus he begins the futile circle again.

As has already been mentioned, there is much information contained in the Qur'an whose source cannot be attributed to anyone other than Allah. For example, who told Muhammad about the wall of Dhul-Qarnayn - a place hundreds of miles to the north? Who told him about embryology? When people assemble facts such as these, if they are not willing to attribute their existence to a divine source, they automatically resort to the assumption someone brought Muhammad the information and that he used it to fool the people. However, this theory can easily be disproved with one simple question: "If Muhammad was a liar, where did he get his confidence? Why did he tell some people out right to their face what others could never say?" Such confidence depends completely upon being convinced that one has a true divine revelation. For example, the Prophet (SAW) had an uncle by the name of Abu Lahab. This man hated Islam to such an extent that he used to follow the Prophet around in order to discredit him. If Abu Lahab saw the Prophet (SAW) speaking to a stranger, he would wait until they parted and then would go to the stranger and ask him, "What did he tell you? Did he say, 'Black.'? Well, it's white. Did he say, 'Morning.'? Well, it's night." He faithfully said the exact opposite of whatever he heard Muhammad (SAW) and the Muslims say. However, about ten years before Abu Lahab died, a little chapter in the Qur'an was revealed to him. It distinctly stated that he would go to the Fire (i.e., Hell). In other words, it affirmed that he would never become a Muslim and would therefore be condemned forever. For ten years all Abu Lahab had to do was say, "I heard that it has been revealed to Muhammad that I will never change - that I will never become a Muslim and will enter the Hellfire. Well I want to become a Muslim now. How do you like that? What do you think of your divine revelation now?" But he never did that. And yet, that is exactly the kind of behavior one would have expected from him since he always sought to contradict Islam. In essence, Muhammad (SAW) said, "You hate me and you want to finish me? Here, say these words, and I am finished. Come on, say them!" But Abu Lahab never said them. Ten years! And in all that time he never accepted Islam or even became sympathetic to the Islamic cause. How could Muhammad possibly have known for sure that Abu Lahab would fulfill the Qur'anic revelation if he (i.e., Muhammad) was not truly the messenger of Allah? How could he possibly have been so confident as to give someone 10 years to discredit his claim of Prophethood? The only answer is that he was Allah's messenger; for in order to put forth suck a risky challenge, one has to be entirely convinced that he has a divine revelation.

Another example of the confidence which Muhammad (SAW) had in his own Prophethood and consequently in the divine protection of himself and his message is when he left Makkah and hid in a cave with Abu Bakr during their emigration to Madeenah. The two clearly saw people coming to kill them, and Abu Bakr was afraid. Certainly, if Muhammad (SAW) was a liar, a forger and one who was trying to fool the people into believing that he was a prophet, one would have expected him to say in such a circumstance to his friend, "Hey, Abu Bakr, see if you can find a back way out of this cave." Or "Squat down in that corner over there and keep quiet." Yet, in fact, what he said to Abu Bakr clearly illustrated his confidence. He told him, "Relax! Allah is with us, and Allah will save us!"

Now, if one knows that he is fooling the people, where does one get this kind of attitude? In fact, such a frame of mind is not characteristic of a liar or a forger at all. So, as has been previously mentioned, the non-Muslims go around and around in a circle, searching for a way out - some way to explain the findings in the Qur'an without attributing them to their proper source. On one hand, they tell you on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, "The man was a liar," and on the other hand, on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday they tell you, "He was crazy." What they refuse to accept is that one cannot have it both ways; yet they refuse to accept is that one cannot have it both ways; yet they need both excuses to explain the information in the Qur'an.

About seven years ago, I had a minister over to my home. In the particular room which we were sitting there was a Qur'an on the table, face down, and so the minister was not aware of which book it was. In the midst of a discussion, I pointed to the Qur'an and said, "I have confidence in that book." Looking at the Qur'an but not knowing which book it was , he replied, "Well, I tell you, if that book is not the Bible, it was written by a man!" In response to his statement, I said, "Let me tell you something about what is in that book." And in just three to four minutes I related to him a few things contained in the Qur'an. After just those three or four minutes, he completely changed his position and declared, "You are right. A man did not write that book. The Devil wrote it!" Indeed, possessing such an attitude is very unfortunate - for many reasons. For one thing, it is a very quick and cheap excuse. It is an instant exit out of an uncomfortable situation. As a matter of fact, there is a famous story in the Bible that mentions how one day some of the Jews were witnesses when Jesus raised a man from the dead. The man had been dead for four days, and when Jesus arrived, he simply said, "Get up!" and the man arose and walked away. At such a sight, some of the Jews who were watching said disbelievingly, "This is the Devil. The Devil helped him!" Now this story is rehearsed often in churches all over the world, and people cry big tears over it, saying, "Oh, if I had been there, I would not have been as stupid as the Jews!" Yet ironically, these people do exactly what the Jews did when in just three minutes you show them only a small part of the Qur'an and all they can say is, "Oh, the Devil did it. The devil wrote that book!". Because they are truly backed into a corner and have no other viable answer, they resort to the quickest and cheapest excuse available. Another Example of people's use of this weak stance can be found in the Makkans' explanation of the source of Muhammed's message. They used to say, "The devils bring Muhammad that Qur'an!" But just as with every other suggestion made, the Qur'an gives the answer. One verse in particular states:

"And they say, 'Surely he is possessed [by jinn], 'but it [i.e., the Qur'an] is not except a reminder to the worlds."

Thus it gives an argument in reply to such a theory. In fact, there are many arguments in the Qur'an in reply to the suggestion that devils brought Muhammad (SAW) his message. For example, in the 26th chapter Allah clearly affirms:

"No evil ones have brought it [i.e., this revelation] down. It would neither be fitting for them, nor would they be able. Indeed they have been removed far from hearing."

And in another place in the Qur'an, Allah instructs us:

"So when you recite the Qur'an seek refuge in Allah from Shaytaan, the rejected."

Now is this how Satan writes a book? He tells one, "Before you read my book, ask God to save you from me."? This is very, very tricky. Indeed, a man could write something like this, but would Satan do this? Many people clearly illustrate that they cannot come to one conclusion on this subject. On one hand, they claim that Satan would not do such a thing and that even if he could, God would not allow him to; yet, on the other hand, they also believe that Satan is only that much less than God. In essence they allege that the Devil can probably do whatever God can do. And as a result, when they look at the Qur'an, even as surprised as they are as to how amazing it is, they still insist, "The Devil did this!" Thanks be to Allah, Muslims do not have that attitude. Although Satan may have some abilities, they are a long way separated from the abilities of Allah. And no Muslim is a Muslim unless he believes that. It is common knowledge even among non-Muslims that the Devil can easily make mistakes, and it would be expected that he would contradict himself if and when he wrote a book. For indeed, the Qur'an states:

"Do they not consider the Qur'an? Had it been from any other than Allah, they would surely have found therein much discrepancy."

In conjunction with the excuses that non-Muslims advance in futile attempts to justify unexplainable verses in the Qur'an, there is another attack often rendered which seems to be a combination of the theories that Muhammad (SAW) was crazy and a liar. Basically, these people propose that Muhammad was insane, and as a result of his delusion, he lied to and misled people. There is a name for this in psychology. It is referred to as mythomania. It means simply that one tells lies and then believes them. This is what the non-Muslims say Muhammad (SAW) suffered from. But the only problem with this proposal is that one suffering from mythomania absolutely cannot deal with facts, and yet the whole Qur'an is based entirely upon facts. Everything contained in it can be researched and established as true. Since facts are such a problem for a mythomaniac, when a psychologist tries to treat one suffering from that condition, he continually confronts him with facts. For example, if one is mentally ill and claims, "I am the king of England," a psychologist does not say to him "No you aren't. You are crazy!" He just does not do that. Rather, he confronts him with facts and says, "O.K., you say you are the king of England. So tell me where the queen is today. And where is your prime minister? And where are your guards?" Now, when the man has trouble trying to deal with these questions, he tries to make excuses, saying Uh... the queen... she has gone to her mother's. Uh... the prime minister... well he died." And eventually he is cured because he cannot deal with the facts. If the psychologist continues confronting him with enough facts, finally he faces the reality and says, "I guess I am not the king of England." The Qur'an approaches everyone who reads it in very much the same way a psychologist treats his mythomania patient. There is a verse in the Qur'an which states:

"Oh mankind, there has come to you an admonition [i.e., the Qur'an] from your Lord and a healing for what is in the hearts - and guidance and mercy for the believers."

At first glance, this statement appears vague, but the meaning of this verse is clear when one views it in light of the aforementioned example. Basically, one is healed of his delusions by reading the Qur'an. In essence, it is therapy. It literally cures deluded people by confronting them with facts. A prevalent attitude throughout the Qur'an is one which says, "Oh mankind, you say such and such about this; but what about such and such? How can you say this when you know that?" And so forth. It forces one to consider what is relevant and what matters while simultaneously healing one of the delusions that the facts presented to mankind by Allah can easily be explained away with flimsy theories and excuses. It is this very sort of thing - confronting people with facts - that had captured the attention of many non-Muslims. In fact, there exists a very interesting reference concerning this subject in the New Catholic Encyclopedia.

In an article under the subject of the Qur'an, the Catholic Church states, "Over the centuries, many theories have been offered as to the origin of the Qur'an... Today no sensible man accepts any of these theories."!! Now here is the age-old Catholic Church, which has been around for so many centuries, denying these futile attempts to explain away the Qur'an. Indeed, the Qur'an is a problem for the Catholic Church. It states that it is revelation, so they study it. Certainly, they would love to find proof that it is not, but they cannot. They cannot find a viable explanation. But at least they are honest in their research and do not accept the first unsubstantiated interpretation which comes along. The Church states that in fourteen centuries it has not yet been presented a sensible explanation. At least it admits that the Qur'an is not an easy subject to dismiss. Certainly, other people are much less honest. They quickly say, "Oh, the Qur'an came from here. The Qur'an came from there." And they do not even examine the credibility of what they are stating most of the time. Of course, such a statement by the Catholic Church leaves the everyday Christian in some difficulty. It just may be that he has his own ideas as to the origin of the Qur'an, but as a single member of the Church, he cannot really act upon his own theory. Such an action would be contrary to the obedience, allegiance and loyalty which the Church demands. By virtue of his membership, he must accept what the Catholic Church declares without question and establish its teachings as part of his everyday routine. So, in essence, if the Catholic Church as a whole is saying, "Do not listen to these unconfirmed reports about the Qur'an," then what can be said about the Islamic point of view? Even non-Muslims are admitting that there is something to the Qur'an - something that has to be acknowledged - then why are people so stubborn and defensive and hostile when Muslims advance the very same theory? This is certainly something for those with mind a to contemplate - something to ponder for those of understanding!

Recently, the leading intellectual in the Catholic Church - a man by the name of Hans - studied the Qur'an and gave his opinion of what he had read. This man has been around for some time, and he is highly respected in the Catholic Church, and after careful scrutiny, he reported his findings, concluding, "God has spoken to man through the man, Muhammad." Again this is a conclusion arrived at by a non-Muslim source - the very leading intellectual of the Catholic Church himself! I do not think that the Pope agrees with him, but nonetheless, the opinion of such a noted, repute public figure must carry some weight in defense of the Muslim position. He must be applauded for facing the reality that the Qur'an is not something which can be easily pushed aside and that, in fact God is the source of these words. As is evident from the aforementioned information, all of the possibilities have been exhausted, so the chance of finding another possibility of dismissing the Qur'an is nonexistent. For if the book is not a revelation, then it is a deception; and if it is a deception, one must ask, "What is its origin" And where does it deceive us?" Indeed, the true answers to these questions shed light on the Qur'an's authenticity and silence the bitter unsubstantiated claims of the unbelievers. Certainly, if people are going to insist that the Qur'an is a deception, then they must bring forth evidence to support such a claim. The burden of proof is on them, not us! One is never supposed to advance a theory without sufficient corroborating facts; so I say to them, "Show me one deception! Show me where the Qur'an deceives me! Show me, otherwise, don't say that it is a deception!" An interesting characteristic of the Qur'an is how it deals with surprising phenomena which relate not only to the past but to modern times as well. In essence, the Qur'an is not and old problem. It is still a problem even today - a problem to the non-Muslims that is. For everyday, every week, every year brings more and more evidence that the Qur'an is a force to be contended with - that its authenticity is no longer to be challenged! For example, one verse in the Qur'an reads;

"Do not the unbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were joined together, then We clove them asunder, and made from water every living thing? Will they not then believe?"

Ironically, this very information is exactly what they awarded the 1973 Noble Prize for - to a couple of unbelievers. The Qur'an reveals the origin of the universe - how it began from one piece - and mankind continues to verify this revelation, even up to now. Additionally, the fact that all life originated from water would not have been an easy thing to convince people of fourteen centuries ago. Indeed, if 1400 years ago you had stood in the desert and told someone, "All of this, you see (pointing to yourself), is made up of mostly water," no one would have believed you. Proof of that was not available until the invention of the microscope. They had to wait to find out that cytoplasm, the basic substance of the cell, is made-up of 80% water. Nonetheless, the evidence did come, and once again the Qur'an stood the test of time. In reference to the falsification tests mentioned earlier, it is interesting to note that they, too, relate to both the past and the present. Some of them were used as illustrations of Allah's omnipotence and knowledge, while others continue to stand as challenges to the present day. An example of the former is the statement made in the Qur'an about Abu Lahab. It clearly illustrates that Allah, the Knower of the Unseen, knew that Abu Lahab would never change his ways and accept Islam. Thus Allah dictated that he would be condemned to the Hellfire forever. Such a chapter was both an illustration of Allah's divine wisdom and a warning to those who were like Abu Lahab.

An interesting example of the latter type of falsification tests contained in the Qur'an is the verse which mentions the relationship between the Muslims and the Jews. The verse is careful not to narrow its scope to the relationship between individual members of each religion, but rather, it summarizes the relationship between the two groups of people as a whole. In essence, the Qur'an states that the Christians will always treat the Muslims better than the Jews will treat the Muslims. Indeed, the full impact of such a statement can only be felt after careful consideration of the real meaning of such a verse. It is true that many Christians and many Jews have become Muslims, but as a whole, the Jewish community is to be viewed as an avid enemy of Islam. Additionally, very few people realize what such an open declaration in the Qur'an invites. In essence, it is an easy chance for the Jews to prove that the Qur'an is false - that it is not a divine revelation. All they have to do is organize themselves, treat the Muslims nicely for a few years and then say, "Now what does your holy book say about who are your best friends in the world - the Jews or the Christians? Look what we Jews have done for you!" That is all they have to do to disprove the Qur'an's authenticity, yet they have not done it in 1400 years. But, as always, the offer still stands open!

All of the examples so far given concerning the I various angles from which one can approach the | Qur'an have undoubtedly been subjective in nature; I however there does exist another angle, among others, which is objective and whose basis is mathematical. It is surprising how authentic the Qur'an becomes when one assembles what might be referred to as a list of good guesses. Mathematically, it can be explained using guessing and prediction examples. For instance, if a person has two choices (i.e., one is right, and one is wrong), and he closes his eyes and makes a choice, then half of the time (i.e., one time out of two) he will be right. Basically, he has a one in two chance, for he could pick the wrong choice, or he could pick the right choice. Now if the same person has two situations like that (i.e., he could be right or wrong about situation number one, and he could be right or wrong about situation number two), and he closes his eyes and guesses, then he will only be right one fourth of the time (i.e., one time out of four). He now has a one in four chance because now there are three ways for him to be wrong and only one way for him to be right. In simple terms, he could make the wrong choice in situation number one and then make the wrong choice in situation number two; OR he could make the wrong choice in situation number one and then make the right choice in situation number two; OR he could make the right choice in situation number one and then make the wrong choice in situation number two; OR he could make the right choice in situation number one and then make the right choice in situation number two. Of course, the(only instance in which he could be totally right is the last scenario where he could guess correctly in both situations. The odds of his guessing completely correctly have become greater because the number of situations for him to guess in have increased; and the mathematical equation representing such a scenario is 1/2 x 1/2 (i.e., one time out of two for the first situation multiplied by one time out of two for the second situation).

Continuing on with the example, if the same person now has three situations in which to make blind guesses, then he will only be right one eighth of the time (i.e., one time out of eight or 1/2 X 1/2 X 1/2). Again, the odds of choosing the correct choice in all three situations have decreased his chances of being completely correct to only one time in eight. It must be understood that as the number of situations increase, the chances of being right decrease, for the two phenomena are inversely proportional.

Now applying this example to the situations in the Qur'an, if one draws up a list of all of the subjects about which the Qur'an has made correct statements, it becomes very clear that it is highly unlikely that they were all just correct blind guesses. Indeed, the subjects discussed in the Qur'an are numerous, and thus the odds of someone just making lucky guesses about all of them become practically nil. If there are a million ways for the Qur'an to be wrong, yet each time it is right, then it is unlikely that someone was guessing. The following three examples of subjects about which the Qur'an has made correct statements collectively illustrate how the Qur'an continues to beat the odds.

In the 16th chapter the Qur'an mentions that the female bee leaves its home to gather food.l2 Now, a person might guess on that, saying, "The bee that you see flying around - it could be male, or it could be female. I think I will guess female." Certainly, he has a one in two chance of being right. So it happens that the Qur'an is right. But it also happens that was not what most people believed at the time when the Qur'an was revealed. Can you tell the difference between a male and a female bee? Well, it takes a specialist to do that, but it has been discovered that the male bee never leaves his home to gather food. However, in Shakespeare's play, Henry the Fourth, some of the characters discuss bees and mention that the bees are soldiers and have a king. That is what people thought in Shakespeare's time - that the bees that one sees flying around are male bees and that they go home and answer to a king. However, that is not true at all. The fact is that they are females, and they answer to a queen. Yet it took modern scientific investigations in the last 300 years to discover that this is the case.

So, back to the list of good guesses, concerning the topic of bees, the Qur'an had a 50/50 chance of being right, and the odds were one in two.

In addition to the subject of bees, the Qur'an also discusses the sun and the manner in which it travels through space. Again, a person can guess on that subject. When the sun moves through space, there are two options: it can travel just as a stone would travel if one threw it, or it can move of its own accord. The Qur'an states the latter - that it moves as a result of its own motion.'3 To do such, the Qur'an uses a form of the word sabaha to describe the sun's movement through space. In order to properly provide the reader with a comprehensive understanding of the implications of this Arabic verb, the following example is given. If a man is in water and the verb sabaha is applied in reference to his movement, it can be understood that he is swimming, moving of his own accord and not as a result of a direct force applied to him. Thus when this verb is used in reference to the sun's movement through space, it in no way implies that the sun is flying uncontrollably through space as a result of being hurled or the like. It simply means that the sun is turning and rotating as it travels. Now, this is what the Qur'an affirms, but was it an easy thing to discover? Can any common man tell that the sun is turning? Only in modern times was the equipment made available to project the image of the sun onto a tabletop so that one could look at it without being blinded. And through this process it was discovered that not only are there three spots on the sun but that these spots move once every 25 days. This movement is referred to as the rotation of the sun around its axis and conclusively proves that, as the Qur'an stated 1400 years ago, the sun does, indeed turn as it travels through space.

And returning once again to the subject of good guess, the odds of guessing correctly about both subjects - the sex of bees and the movement of the sun - are one in four!

Seeing as back fourteen centuries ago people probably did not understand much about time zones, the Quran's statements about this subject are considerably surprising. The concept that one family is having breakfast as the sun comes up while another family is enjoying the brisk night air is truly something to be marveled at, even in modern time. Indeed, fourteen centuries ago, a man could not travel more than thirty miles in one day, and thus it took him literally months to travel from India to Morocco, for example. And probably , when he was having supper in Morocco, he thought to himself, "Back home in India they are having supper right now." This is because he did not realize that, in the process of traveling, he moved across a time zone. Yet, because it is the words of Allah, the All-Knowing, the Qur'an recognizes and acknowledges such a phenomenon. In an interesting verse it states that when history comes to an end and the Day of Judgment arrives, it will all occurring an instant; and this very instant will catch some people in the daytime and some people at night. This clearly illustrates Allah's divine wisdom and His previous knowledge of the existence of time zones, even though such a discovery was non-existent back fourteen centuries ago. Certainly, this phenomenon is not something which is obvious to one's eyes or a result of one's experience, and this fact, in itself, suffices as proof of the Qur'ans authenticity.

Returning one final time to the subject of good guesses for the purpose of the present example, the odds that someone guessed correctly about all three of the aforementioned subjects - the sex of bees, the movement of the sun and the existence of time zones - are one in eight!

Certainly, one could continue on and on with this example, drawing up longer and longer list of good guesses; and of course, the odds would become higher and higher with each increase of subjects about which one could guess. But what no one can deny is the following; the odds that Mohammed an illiterate, guessed correctly about thousands and thousands of subjects, never once making a mistake, are so high that any theory of his authorship of the Qur'an must be completely dismissed - even by the most hostile enemies of Islam!

Indeed, the Qur'an expects this kind of challenge. Undoubtedly, if one said to someone upon entering a foreign land, "I know your father. I have met him," probably the man from that land would doubt the newcomer's word, saying, "You have just come here. How could you know my father?" As a result, he would question him, "Tell me, is my father tall, short, dark, fair? What is he like?" Of course, if the visitor continued answering all of the questions correctly, the skeptic would have no choice but to say, "I guess you do know my father. I don't know how you know him, but I guess you do!" The situation is the same with the Qur'an. It states that it originates from the One who created everything. So everyone has the right to say, "Convince me! If the author of this book really originated life and everything in the heavens and on the earth, then He should know about this, about that, and so on." And inevitably, after researching the Qur'an, everyone will discover the same truths. Additionally, we all know something for sure: we do not all have to be experts to verify what the Qur'an affirms. One's iman (faith) grows as one continues to check and confirm the truths contained in the Qur'an. And one is supposed to do so all of his life.

May God (Allah) guide everyone close to the truth.

An engineer at the University of Toronto who was interested in psychology and who had read something on it, conducted researched wrote a thesis on Efficiency of Group Discussions. The purpose of his research was to find out how much people accomplish when they get together to talk in groups of two, three, ten, etc. The graph of his findings: people accomplish most when they talk in groups of two. Of course, this discovery was entirely beyond his expectations, but it is very old advice given in the Qur'an:

Additionally, the 89th chapter of the Qur'an mentions a certain city by the name of 'Iram (a city of pillars), which was not known in ancient history and which was non-existent as far as historians were concerned. However, the December 1978 edition of National Geographic introduced interesting information which mentioned that in 1973, the city of Elba was excavated in Syria. The city was discovered to be 43 centuries old, but that is not the most amazing part. Researchers found in the library of Elba a record of all of the cities with which Elba had done business. Believe or not, there on the list was the name of the city of 'Iram. The people of Elba had done business with the people of 'Iram!

"Say, 'I exhort you to one thing - that you stand for Allah, [assessing the truth] by twos and singly, and then reflect.....' In conclusion I ask you to consider with care the following:

"And they say, 'Why are not signs sent down to him from his Lord?' Say, 'Indeed, the signs are with Allah, and I am but a clear warner.' But is sufficient for them that We have sent down to you the Book [i.e. Qur'an] which is rehearsed to them? Verily, in that is mercy and a reminder to people who believe."


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